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TCAdmin preventing settings from writing to .cfg files?


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Kevin, that program is both a client or a server based program. It has the ability to activate the procon layer to stay running 24/7 which allows BC2 servers to run multiple game styles amongst quite a few other features while then allowing clients to login with their client side procon to make changes which are then run via the layer/server side. I know that we use as well does Primary Target. Primary Target I do believe are running it through TCAdmin whereas I am not at the moment but I certainly would be interested if it get's to the point where it can be fully automated from order to install and running.


This allows server owners to run this 24/7 without having to do so locally so that is the reasoning.

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Kevin, that program is both a client or a server based program. It has the ability to activate the procon layer to stay running 24/7 which allows BC2 servers to run multiple game styles amongst quite a few other features while then allowing clients to login with their client side procon to make changes which are then run via the layer/server side. I know that we use as well does Primary Target. Primary Target I do believe are running it through TCAdmin whereas I am not at the moment but I certainly would be interested if it get's to the point where it can be fully automated from order to install and running.


This allows server owners to run this 24/7 without having to do so locally so that is the reasoning.


It can't be 100% automated, because after it's installed through TCAdmin, you have to start it on the server side and enter the details of the game servers you're connecting to.

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but I certainly would be interested if it get's to the point where it can be fully automated from order to install and running.


Yep, I pretty much said that right there ;)


It could be 100% though if there was a way to write config files with variable based names on an install.

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Something else I'd like to point out, in case it's an indication of what is the cause of this problem, is that if I try to run PRoCon without having Interact with Desktop enabled, I can't connect to that instance of PRoCon. The moment I enable Interact with Desktop, I can connect.


Also, are there any known issues with Windows 2008 Standard and TCAdmin? That is what I am running.

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Hello GrossKopf,


with "interact with Desktop", the process runs in the "system" user context. Did you check that the user "system" has write allowance in the user procon directory? If you're not sure, insert and propagate the "system" user on that dir and all subdirs, and try again.


Best Regards,



ps: if you'd read my pm and write back, I could do the same tests too...

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Hello GrossKopf,


with "interact with Desktop", the process runs in the "system" user context. Did you check that the user "system" has write allowance in the user procon directory? If you're not sure, insert and propagate the "system" user on that dir and all subdirs, and try again.


Best Regards,



ps: if you'd read my pm and write back, I could do the same tests too...


System has full control over the folders.


I've installed FireDaemon and PanelDaemon. I'm going to use that so my customers can start/stop PRoCon. I'll just use TCAdmin to remove the customer's files in case they don't renew and for the FTP access. It's a process setting up all 135 of my customers in it though. :(

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