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Where do I get the SDK?


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CHM was kinda precurser to PDF. It is best to say that CHM files are some-what a set of Html web pages which has a table of hyperlinked content. Nowadays CHM files are used far less compared to the PDF files as adobe PDF market and application grew huge in such a short time.There are different application you can use to view chm files on windows, Linux and mac. Also, popular web browser like firefox have an addon which can open the CHM files right from the browser.


Firefox plugin: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/3235


For linux: You can use gnochm (gnome), or xchm, or kchmviewer (kde)


For mac: xchm/chmox - http://chmox.sourceforge.net/


For windows: Many many freeware versions available of different encoders/decoders.

Just google for it. Here are some: http://www.brothersoft.com/downloads/chm-viewer.html


Hope this helps!

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