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Cracked COD4 files


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Watch out for someone named sinisa he is trying to get full ftp access to the servers so he can upload cracked COD4 files. When we refused to allow the crack to be uploaded he started naming other GSP's that allow cracked files.


I don't know if he is telling the truth about the other GSPs but I do feel obligated to inform Activision of his allegations.

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Watch out for someone named sinisa he is trying to get full ftp access to the servers so he can upload cracked COD4 files. When we refused to allow the crack to be uploaded he started naming other GSP's that allow cracked files.


I don't know if he is telling the truth about the other GSPs but I do feel obligated to inform Activision of his allegations.


like they gona investigate, not to mention that if it was true why did he stop renting from those gsp.

accusing without solid proves is punished so u better make sure those gsp wont attack u if they get informed u gave their names based on nothing concrete

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like they gona investigate, not to mention that if it was true why did he stop renting from those gsp.

accusing without solid proves is punished so u better make sure those gsp wont attack u if they get informed u gave their names based on nothing concrete


No they probably wont do anything but I still feel obligated to let them know. What they do with the information is up to them. I will have done my part.




Server Company X, Y, and Z all allow it ... Good for them, why don;t you head on over there and buy a server from them then?



That was my response word for word, except for the punctuation errors.

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  • 3 weeks later...
No they probably wont do anything but I still feel obligated to let them know.




there are tons of cracked servers, who cares. You wont fight agaisnt competition by taking cracked servers down anyway since the ppl who rent them will never go to you unless you start hostign cracked servers yourself.

Thats not your job and doing it will not help anyway, you just wasted your time and if not then have fun browsing steam servers list and taking notes of the servers with the "cracked" or "nosteam" in hostname.

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Which gameservers is stealing or using illegal software. The one that has been around and made a name for themselves or the one that just wants to con unknowing customers?


The actual Gameservers thats why i put gameservers and not game-servers.


and how is he trying to con as stated in another post which is where this post should go if gameservers wanted the domain they should've taken it and as for con i don't know nor have i used his services but if he provides some quality services for a competative price the good on him.


i have expressed my concerns over the name and thats for Gameservers to sort not for you to put the man down for trying to gain more traffic in a cut throat industry.

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