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I recommend?


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i want to know whats better to buy the tcadmin 15.95/mo. or buy tcadmins addons -standard webhonsting account (11.95/mo.)


what is the difference? which would be my link? gpanle.ltngaming.com?

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The TCAdmin license is $15.95 per month. The webhosting account is extra.


If you go with our webhosting you could have yourpanel.tcadmin.net, or if you own your own domain you can set an a record to point to our server such as you mentioned above.

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The WebHosting one is only database and the webpage, I don't know if they run the server monitor for you.


Description from the website:


"If you don't want to install IIS or MySQL on your master server you can purchase a website hosting account for TCAdmin. Includes webpage and database hosting. *Please note you must obtain a valid Master Server license before your site can be hosted."


So if you want to host a database and the website with tcadmin you need 1 additional master server to run from your dedicated server.


By this you don't have to run IIS which is less load for your dedicated server.


On the other hand, if you have a good dual quad core server you can install the master server on it with IIS and the database.


It's on you to decide.



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