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StealthServers New Domain Name


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I understand that some of you could care less about our domain name change, but for those others I just wanted to announce that Stealth Servers has changes it's domain to http://game-servers.com, this is the first step towards changing our entire company name and strategy.


Anyways for those that would like to read more about it, please go here: http://game-servers.com/newdomain.php

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looks fine to me in IE, FF, and Opera...Not sure what red 'xs your seeing :}


Site looks good...Though I can tell you, its extremely difficult to SEO those domains. If you'd like a few pointers, I have been working on a few similar domains for a long while, and wouldn't mind maybe a few link exchanges...It'd help both of us :)


Shoot me an email if you care to, if not, no harm.


Cheers. and good luck with the rebranding.


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I only see one red x on the index page next to the twitter logo. Looks like it should be a STEAM logo.


Nice looking site though. I see you went with your own custom panel. We hate to lose a client but I like the look of it.


We hope you do well with the new changes!

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  jbiloh said:
Lots of red X's on your site Brad.


Thanks Jon, missed an image folder, have it copied over now.


  adamnp said:
looks fine to me in IE, FF, and Opera...Not sure what red 'xs your seeing :}


Site looks good...Though I can tell you, its extremely difficult to SEO those domains. If you'd like a few pointers, I have been working on a few similar domains for a long while, and wouldn't mind maybe a few link exchanges...It'd help both of us :)


Shoot me an email if you care to, if not, no harm.


Cheers. and good luck with the rebranding.



Always happy to try and benefit each other, I will shoot you an email Adam


Kevin shooting you an email as well about our panel

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  ECF said:
Ahhh, Brad there are a few pages that do still have missing images.


Services, Support, and in you WHMCS cart there are missing images as well.


I am using IE8 to browse the site.


Thanks Kevin, all fixed up now. Moving our site over was a bit more tedious then I had thought, but looks like were good now. Thanks everyone for the help.

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  adamnp said:
looks fine to me in IE, FF, and Opera...Not sure what red 'xs your seeing :}


Site looks good...Though I can tell you, its extremely difficult to SEO those domains. If you'd like a few pointers, I have been working on a few similar domains for a long while, and wouldn't mind maybe a few link exchanges...It'd help both of us :)


Shoot me an email if you care to, if not, no harm.


Cheers. and good luck with the rebranding.



Indeed, also very hard to brand.

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How is it a rip off? Look at the image in your signature, what does it say on it? "Game Servers" And that goes for everyone in the industry.


They are creating a brand around the name of a service. What if a web hosting company named themselves "web host"?


In an industry were there is almost no brand loyalty what so ever, why not shoot for a high traffic domain name instead, sure makes sense to me, but I guess time will tell. Do you all remember gameservers.net, they ran for multiple years in competition to gameservers.com.


I do not understand why more companies would not try to directly compete with gameservers.com, they have the most customers and probably some of the worst performance.


Anyways not trying to get into a debate here, I have seen the immaturity spiral out of control too many times on these forums and I have no desire to be part of it. Let's just keep the negative comments to ourselves please.

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  SickPuppy said:
game-servers.com, that name sounds familiar for some reason. Oh that's right it is a knock off of the largest GSP in the industry. Sad dude really sad.


Why not just copy their web design and complete the rip off altogether


If I recall correctly, clanservers.com (originally what gameservers.com was marketed/started as) purchased gameservers.com somewhere around 2000-20001, and rebranded and began selling gameservers counter gameservers.net which was already in the business and branded as gameservers.net since 1997 or before. So you kinda put yourself in a peculiar spot, as you'd have to point that same finger at gameservers.com themselves to push your point.


He is just doing the same thing all the gameservers.* domains have done, the term isn't trademarked so all is good and fair.


If it truly is a 'ripoff' the customers will note that quickly anyhow...they always do :)

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  lpgservers said:
Brad, ignore the resident self-proported business genius and I think it's a damn fine idea. Hell, look at the name I ran with. ;)


I like the new site.


On your order form you should make sure all images are sourced from a secure URL to avoid annoying security warnings in IE.

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  lpgservers said:
Brad, ignore the resident self-proported business genius and I think it's a damn fine idea. Hell, look at the name I ran with. ;)


I think the phrase you are looking for is self proclaimed. I don’t think proported is even a word. Self purported might work.



Have you ever heard this old saying; “Sometimes it is better to remain quiet and let others think you are ignorant than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.”

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  adamnp said:
If I recall correctly, clanservers.com (originally what gameservers.com was marketed/started as) purchased gameservers.com somewhere around 2000-20001, and rebranded and began selling gameservers counter gameservers.net which was already in the business and branded as gameservers.net since 1997 or before. So you kinda put yourself in a peculiar spot, as you'd have to point that same finger at gameservers.com themselves to push your point.


He is just doing the same thing all the gameservers.* domains have done, the term isn't trademarked so all is good and fair.


If it truly is a 'ripoff' the customers will note that quickly anyhow...they always do :)


There is a huge difference trying to defeat a .net with a .com or a gameservers.com with a game-servers.com ;)

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  dimitrifrom31 said:
who cares, his idea and his problem if thats any. thats another post count increasing thread. hes not gona change his strategy now anyway so whats the point of this.


Noone is asking him to change anything, he posted a discussion thread. ;)

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  SickPuppy said:
I think the phrase you are looking for is self proclaimed. I don’t think proported is even a word. Self purported might work.



Have you ever heard this old saying; “Sometimes it is better to remain quiet and let others think you are ignorant than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.”


More like a minor gramatical error and thanks for pointing that out. It wouldn't be proclaimed because you haven't stated it, merely acting it out.

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  dimitrifrom31 said:
who cares, his idea and his problem if thats any. thats another post count increasing thread. hes not gona change his strategy now anyway so whats the point of this.


"Who cares" now that's the attitude to have. If more people cared then disreputable behavior like this would not be tolerated.


I can understand being indifferent but to give someone praise for their unethical actions. I have more contempt for those that don’t care than I do for StealthServers.

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  adamnp said:

He is just doing the same thing all the gameservers.* domains have done, the term isn't trademarked so all is good and fair.


What is the number one excuse used by unethical people that want to justify their despicable behavior, "Everyone is doing it."


I have read so many posts in this forum about website content being pirated. Some of the same people posting praise for the actions of StealthServers were outraged when web content was used without permission.


Like I said, why not just go to the Gameservers.com website and steal their design. If you can’t understand why this is wrong then I will never be able to explain it to you.

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