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sort your TCA logs

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Been using it for a while now, just ,never thought about sharing it before, reminded it today when checking my logs :


TCA logs are stored in Logs folder, each log has its own file and after weeks/months you get VERY big txt files taking ages to open and that turn out to be useless if your searching a specific info from a specific date.


So here is a script to run as a daily scheduled task (recommended to run at 11:59pm) so your logs are moved into a folder, this folder being named by current date thn they are deleted from their original folder.


This script is using robocopy (use google and download, its free) for convenience but with a slight edit you can replace robocopy by COPY.


Create a .bat file and copy paste the following code (put robocopy.exe next to that bat). Edit your TCA path if necessary :



set datetimetmp=%date:~6,4%-%date:~3,2%-%date:~0,2%
set datetimetmp=%datetimetmp: =%
MKDIR "C:\Program Files\TCAdmin Control Panel\ArchivedLogs\%datetimetmp%"
robocopy "C:\Program Files\TCAdmin Control Panel\Logs" "C:\Program Files\TCAdmin Control Panel\ArchivedLogs\%datetimetmp%" /R:2 /W:1 /MIR
DEL /S /Q "C:\Program Files\TCAdmin Control Panel\Logs"

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I have a slightly modified version if you wouldn't mind i'd like to share.


This will work on server 2003 and server 2008. His script on server 2008 was calling the wrong time stamp variables.


SET DD=%DATE:~7,2%
SET MM=%DATE:~4,2%
SET HH=%TIME:~0,2%
SET MN=%TIME:~3,2%
SET SS=%TIME:~6,2%

MKDIR "C:\Program Files (x86)\TCAdmin Control Panel\ArchivedLogs\%YYYY%\%MM%\%DD%"
xcopy "C:\Program Files (x86)\TCAdmin Control Panel\Logs" "C:\Program Files (x86)\TCAdmin Control Panel\ArchivedLogs\%YYYY%\%MM%\%DD%" /E /C /I /F /R /Y
DEL /S /Q "C:\Program Files (x86)\TCAdmin Control Panel\Logs"


I also changed from robocopy to xcopy built into windows but just my preference.


Also i have broken this down, as i run this daily now, by year, by month, and by day so i can pull specific logs on specific days of specific months.


Thanks Dimitri for this.

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You made a mistake on line 9.


xcopy "C:\Program Files (x86)\TCAdmin Control Panel\Logs" "C:\Program Files\TCAdmin Control Panel (x86)\ArchivedLogs\%YYYY%\%MM%\%DD%" /E /C /I /F /R /Y


should be


xcopy "C:\Program Files (x86)\TCAdmin Control Panel\Logs" "C:\Program Files (x86)\TCAdmin Control Panel\ArchivedLogs\%YYYY%\%MM%\%DD%" /E /C /I /F /R /Y
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