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TS3 Slot Abuse


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Hello im a licensed TS3 Provider, and i have a problem with a customer i set the slots to 10 then restart the server, it goes to 60 i dont know if its a bug or if the customer is doing it, if its the customer i will remove or suspend his account, if its a problem my end i will try and fix it.


any idea's guys




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i have set it manualy now, looks the tcadmin change doesnt always work, not quite sure why, maybe it was hacked.


i set it manualy by these commands



login serveradmin password

error id=0 msg=ok

use 1

error id=0 msg=ok

serveredit virtualserver_maxclients=64

error id=0 msg=ok



btw (use 1) means the virtaul server number ie virtual server 9 (use 9) and so on, seems to be ok so far.

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lol, i just tried it on one of my servers, i can change the slot to what ever i want from within the teamspeak 3 by going in to edit virtaul server and changing the slots to what ever i want.


there is nothing else to stop anyone else or any of my other clients from doing so. anyone know how to sort this?

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i have restored the database and put the commands in on the first port, and all seems fine, all new servers made cant edit there slots


servergroupdelperm sgid=3 permsid=b_virtualserver_modify_maxclients

error id=0 msg=ok

servergroupdelperm sgid=3 permsid=i_needed_modify_power_virtualserver_modify_maxclients

error id=0 msg=ok

servergroupdelperm sgid=6 permsid=b_virtualserver_modify_maxclients

error id=0 msg=ok

servergroupdelperm sgid=6 permsid=i_needed_modify_power_virtualserver_modify_maxclients

error id=0 msg=ok


i will just keep an eye, or i will add the commands, maybe something went wrong when i did it last time i dont know, but all seems fine now

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Here is what you have to do to disable each current server that still has the permission to do so.


log in via serverquery


use port=portnumber of server not changed yet



(now go through and find the next allocated sgid for Server\sAdmin and either Regular or Normal and then you issue the following the commands for that specific instance using those numbers. Let's assume it was 27 for the sAdmin and 28 for the Normal group)


servergroupdelperm sgid=27 permsid=b_virtualserver_modify_maxclients

error id=0 msg=ok

servergroupdelperm sgid=27 permsid=i_needed_modify_power_virtualserver_modify _maxclients

error id=0 msg=ok

servergroupdelperm sgid=28 permsid=b_virtualserver_modify_maxclients

error id=0 msg=ok

servergroupdelperm sgid=28 permsid=i_needed_modify_power_virtualserver_modify _maxclients

error id=0 msg=ok


(Now it's time to move onto the next server)


use port=port of the next server to change



(Again, find the specific values for this server and modify the permissions again. Repeat until finished.)

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i am also having trouble with this.


all i get back is error id=1283 msg=database\sno\smodifications


after trying to run


servergroupdelperm sgid=1380 permsid=b_virtualserver_modify_maxclients


its all a bit wierd, i have removed the permission from the default group, logged into there server and used an admin token but i can still enable the maxclient options :(

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i had already tried that logged in as query admin, i though you had something i missed.


i have done the google, done the manual, it doesnt make sence, its yet another bug that premium support will no doubt point out and not give an answer to apart from it being something i have done.


last time i used there premium support i got a phonecall from one of the directors apologising for the poor support.


even with the maxclient permissions removed form the default group a new server and default token allow the admin to enable the max clients option.


the closest google i found was given up on and a new database put in place. thats not really an option with 300 servers :(

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Your two options are too learn to read database well enough by what ever means you are useing to review it to set all permisions straight, or get someone else to do it (probably require pay)

I can read database so I setup a new clean server after this issue was identified and altered the clean one then used it as a template so as to not harm my customers. This is an option but you have to understand what you are seeing it's not just duplicating as it's all stored in the database.

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