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Error: No results were returned. Check your TCAdmin logs. URL used: billingapi.aspx


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When attempting to intergrate WHMCS with TCAdmin, I'm getting this error:


Error: No results were returned. Check your TCAdmin logs. URL used: linktotcadminwashere.co.uk/billingapi.aspx 


Here are screenshots of my configuration:











That error stops the whole process, when I go into pending auto setups, its empty. The admin password for the servers is correct, I've checked lots of times, I can't seem to find the problem.


If there is any information needed then please ask and I will give you screenshots, although I am not wanting to give out out information of where WHMCS and TCAdmin is, because that is not necessary if I can give you screenshots of everything you need to know.


All help is appreciated thanks :)




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first off not required but fill in your IP address to the server *for the production not to show us*.


Next thing on tcadmin did you allow your whmcs to connect to the tcadmin API? it would be under: system settings > plugin manager > tc_gsauto


and make sure at the very bottom your hostname and/or IP's are allowed to connect to it.

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Wow thanks.


I originally had this added but somebody removed it for me as they said it was not needed, now I'm getting a different error but is probably easy to fix by just renaming the datacenter.


Module Command Error

System.Exception: Id 'Kent, UK' contains invalid character code 44. at TCAdminSDK.Util.Misc.IsValidId(String xe4115acdf4fbfccc) at TCAdminSDK.Objects.Datacenter.set_DatacenterID(String xd2f68ee6f47e9dfb) at Web.billingapi.xde97676d01739ced(Object xe0292b9ed559da7d, EventArgs xfbf34718e704c6bc)

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Hmm, I renamed it to "UK"


Now I'm getting this error:


Module Command Error

System.Exception: Game datacenter id does not exist. at Web.billingapi.xde97676d01739ced(Object xe0292b9ed559da7d, EventArgs xfbf34718e704c6bc)


Locations: UK


Edit servers:


Datacenter/NOC: TC063380******* - I've also tried "UK" here


Am I missing something?

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Under your configurable option in WHMCS you need to have the following entered so it sends the TCAdmin ID for the datacenter which you'll get from your TCAdmin setup at System Settings/Servers.




| is the divider between what is sent to TCAdmin and after is what is shown to the customer.

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In the default_values.php or whatever file your using do you have the skip command edited? Can you post up more information to help you pinpoint the issue? What would be helpful is the information from db last command from the logs from your TCAdmin Master.

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