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Alien Swarm


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its not even out yet here in US for another few hours.


why do people bother asking?


Because the game is based on the source engine and it could be that someone already made a config that probably work's.


If you aint got a answer


Why do people bother to reply?

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Has anybody made one yet? I'm very interested in using it if somebody has.


Working on one....if you are in such a hurry, learn to make one yourself!


It seems due to the crap nature of steam like normal they cannot handle the load of a new game coming online. With this most of the dedicated servers cannot get onto the network to broadcast, as such are lauching as lan only servers...at least what i can test with multiple boxes in multiple diverse locations, any suggestions?

Edited by bullfrog3459
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You need to install steam on the box and have it running in the background.


To clarify, It's on HLDSUpdateTool - game name is alienswarm - but launches in lan mode unless you have steam running.



* Unable to load Steam support library. *

* This server will operate in LAN mode only. *



Judging by the in-game menu, it uses similar matchmaking commands as l4d/l4d2 (assigning it to a group's id number to have it show in the main menu)



Also, your default command-line is wrong, you haven't put a space before +map.

Edited by stewsta
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iv done what has been said in this thread, but dedicated server still wont work :(


any ideas / little tutorial? :)


It'd probably help if you could copy and paste the console output so you problem can be diagnosed a little easier. :)

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Working, but there are some errors... Corrected there: (I've only put the end of the file since i'm not the creator of this one)


     <CONTENTS>//Host Name
hostname Server "%hostname%"
// Rcon Cvars
rcon_password "%rconpassword%" //Set’s remote control password

// Server password
sv_password "%privatepassword%"
     <DESCRIPTION>Server Configuration File</DESCRIPTION>

Nice and working. Thanks to ViolentCrimes for the base file.

Edited by djonz
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