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counter strike 1.6 fps problem


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with cs1.6 you shouldnt need a booster for anything. whats the command line? -ticrate 0 in the command line keeps it at a steady 1000fps on win serv 08 standard x86, standard x64, enterprise x64 in my tests and environments.


Also what ideas and other posts or links have you tried?

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FPS is not stable, 700-100. Ok mby i dont need 1000 fps , but 500 is already good. No mather what i set sys_ticrate its not stable. I tried set priority to high and stuff, nothing


-console -game cstrike +ip xxxxxxxxxxx -port 27036 +maxplayers 22 +exec server.cfg +sys_ticrate 512 +map de_dust2

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Console and in interact in desktop mode


First i can tell you that is going to be not entirely correct being your doing it that way. Being when you connect in and you have to go to screen:0 for the IWD on Srv 08 you connecting in on that screen causes issues. HLSW and in-game console is going to be the best bet.


As far as jumping between FPS haven't seen that before as long as the server.cfg and the physical server isn't having issues. Only thing i can ask and its because i know i have it running is do you have srcdsfpsboost.exe running? i don't remember seeing if you do or don't and i don't exactly remember if that helps with HLDS.

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