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I know a couple months ago the author of PRoCon made some changes that was supposed to allow for an auto setup for PRoCon with TCAdmin. Has anyone adapted their PRoCon template for this? If so, can you attach it to this thread or explain how it's done? Right now I manually set up each customer, but an automated system would be much easier.

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You can make TCAdmin install PRoCon (with the procon.cfg) but I don't think you can automate it because in order to get the BC2 server IP/Port you have to make PRoCon a secondary application on BC2 but that means installing PRoCon on the same dedicated server as BC2 which isn't allowed.


Not sure if you can manually create secondary applications but even then you'd need the user to type their BC2 IP/port/rcon and if they have to do that you might as well do it yourself :(

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No, you don't put PRoCon on the same box as BC2 and it doesn't run as a secondary application. I have two dedicated servers that I use for hosting of PRoCon and other BC2 admin tools. They connect via rcon to the server. Right now I use WHMCS for billing. When I approve the new order, TCAdmin installs PRoCon, but it's obviously not configured. I then log into the dedicated box, run PRoCon and manually enter everything in to get it set up.


There IS a way to fully automate the set up because I know that Primary Target and some other GSP's are using TCAdmin to automatically set up PRoCOn.

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I assumed you were trying to setup PRoCon & BC2 but if you're only setting up PRoCon then just change the WHMCS ones so it passes existing variables:-


Replace server name with server IP, admin port with slots, rcon as rcon, username as password (or any other variables that WHMCS passes that aren't needed for PRoCon). WHMCS and TCAdmin don't care whether %hostname% isn't actually a hostname but an IP.


So set your WHMCS order form to include the required variables:-


BC2 Server IP = %hostname%

Admin Port = %slots%

Remote admin password = %rconpassword%

Username = %privatepassword%



Make your procon.cfg for TCAdmin like:-

procon.private.servers.add "%hostname%" %slots% "%rconpassword%"
procon.private.servers.autoconnect "%hostname%" %slots%
procon.private.tcadmin.enableLayer "%hostname%" %slots% "%serverip%" %serverport% "PRoCon[%hostname%:%slots%]"
procon.private.tcadmin.setPrivileges "%hostname%" %slots% "%privatepassword%" 7777777

I haven't tried it but don't see why it wouldn't work :) There might be better variables to choose which WHMCS can pass to TCAdmin or you might even be able to create custom ones but I haven't really looked in to it.

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I understand you don't host BC2. Are you using the tcadmin_advanced module in WHMCS? If so when you go to Products/Services --> Procon (or whatever the product is called) --> Module Settings you should see Game ID, Game Slots, Game Private etc.


Each of those module settings mean a TCAdmin variable so Game Slots would be %slots% when creating a template in TCAdmin. So in WHMCS go to Custom Fields and create one called "Admin Port" then go back to the module settings and set Game Slots to CustomField:Admin Port (it should be in the drop down list)


Repeat the process for the other variables as in the procon.cfg from my previous post. Now when WHMCS passes an order to TCAdmin it'll take those variable and add them to the procon.cfg


If that still doesn't make sense send me an email and I'll try and explain it better ;)

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You'll have to ask your provider for it then as I'm not sure if posting it here is allowed. Also if they use WHMCS they should be able to help you with setting it up.


Oh boy. Hope I can get it. I put in a support ticket here, but I'm sure they will tell me the same thing.

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Should be ok assuming you've made the WHMCS drop downs on the module settings page correspond with that.


Are you making TCAdmin create the procon.cfg? Go to the game page for PRoCon in TCAdmin and click Default Config Files and make sure there's one for procon.cfg, the File Path is /Configs/procon.cfg then go to the Template File for that new config and make sure it's as you posted above.


If that still doesn't work then post the procon.cfg which TCAdmin has created in here to see if it is generating anything for those variables.

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Should be ok assuming you've made the WHMCS drop downs on the module settings page correspond with that.


Are you making TCAdmin create the procon.cfg? Go to the game page for PRoCon in TCAdmin and click Default Config Files and make sure there's one for procon.cfg, the File Path is /Configs/procon.cfg then go to the Template File for that new config and make sure it's as you posted above.


If that still doesn't work then post the procon.cfg which TCAdmin has created in here to see if it is generating anything for those variables.


You kinda lost me at the "go to the Template file..." part. I have a procon.cfg in the procon.zip file, as seen in my above response. I didn't have procon.cfg in the default config files section so I've added that.

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As far as I know TCAdmin will only pass the variables from WHMCS if it creates the .cfg file, you need to delete the one in the .zip file then:-


Go to Default Config Files

Click the display name for the procon.cfg

Click Template File



// This config will be overwritten by procon.
procon.private.servers.add "%hostname%" %slots% "%rconpassword%"
procon.private.servers.autoconnect "%hostname%" %slots%
procon.private.tcadmin.enableLayer "%hostname%" %slots% "%serverip%" %serverport% "PRoCon[%hostname%:%slots%]"
procon.private.tcadmin.setPrivileges "%hostname%" %slots% "%privatepassword%" 515959

Click Save


TCAdmin will now create that config file and put it in the right place with the variables from WHMCS.

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  • 5 months later...
So, now that I got it worked out. Any way to automatically add additional servers beyond the customer's first server?


Just create a new layer by using "Create a Game and Voice Server", If you ask me it's better to install 2 Procon game services for 2 different game servers since someone will probably charge procon layers :)


If your customer has the ability of editing procon.cfg then it can add as many servers as he wants.

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  • 9 months later...


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