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problems with alien swarm


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hi, ive been trying to set up a alien swarm server, i installed the game files from hldsupdatetools and got the config file from this forum (thanks:grin:)

but when i create a server it says its not connected to steam servers but the vac connection is.

ive added sv_lan 0 in the server.cfg and also tried it in the command line but no such luck:(


any suggestions would be great ty

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thanks guys for your help, i tried adding the .dll's and even downloaded the files again but i still couldnt get it working until i deleted my css server and put alien swarm in that port 27015 and now it works great:grin:.

i just cant make anymore servers for some strange reason, they show up in tcadmin and in the dedibox but dont show in steam:(

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Did you installed the server from zero?? If not, then you should try to.


hldsupdatetool.exe -command update -game alienswarm -dir c:/GameInstalls/AlienSwarm


Also, there is an updated version of the config file lower in the topic where you took your's. You should take this one.


Else, you can try to start it without TCAdmin to see if there is any errors.


srcds.exe -console -game swarm -ip -port 27015 -maxplayers 4 +exec server.cfg +map lobby


Please note, there is a little mistake inside the "Server template config file". I've made a reply on the post where you found your config file. You should try correcting it. Else, you can contact me and i'll send you a "Corrected by me" version (the one we use).


Edit : Game was updated recently. You can try updating hit before.

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i'll try it now


i got it working :)

i changed my command line to this

-console -game swarm +ip INTERNALIP +hostip ExternalIP +port 270xx +map lobby -maxplayers 4 -autoupdate +exec server.cfg


thanks for all your help guys

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