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Hats Off!


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I'm generally don't post testimonials. If a product I purchase works well, then I'm happy. I did however, feel inclined to post regarding TCAdmin. This product is excellent. I had a trouble free installation, and everything has worked flawlessly to date.




I'd also like give some props to the TCAdmin Support Team. These folks provide outstanding support.




One of the most surprising things I've discovered about TCAdmin is the updates! Good lord, we've only been customers for a month, and I think we've seen perhaps 3-4 updates already. And, to my surprise, every update that has come through has added new functionality to the panel that I was hoping for. Very Impressive!




We are getting ready to implement modernbill into our system with TCAdmin integration, and I'm confident that this too will be a breeze to do.




Hats off to you guys!

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I second that comment.




I have tried many other control panels. Either they are stale and offer little to no updates, they promise features but never actually deliver, and most recently, just disappear for weeks with no support.




This company has built strategic partnerships and secured a place as the leader in cutting edge features and development. All with out linux support. Very impressive.




I was so impressed with this product that I migrated my entire business off of linux and onto windows just so I could benefit from every feature and function.




Now go get drunk... it's St. Patties day.

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