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Your Assistance is Appreciated: game-servers.com


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So we will be launching our new site very soon and I could use your help!


The new site is located here: http://www.game-servers.com/v2/


I'm going to be going through everything the next couple of weeks and making changes as needed. If you have any suggestions, have found site errors, misspellings, etc I would greatly appreciate some assistance.


It seems no matter how many times I go through a site I seem to look over things so I figured I'd ask the community here for some help.


Anyways any input is appreciated!

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Here you go bud,



Visit the companys blog website


1. company's*


2. The url order.php?id=# has a PHP error


3. Privacy page is missing


4. search/search.php has a PHP error.


5. When clicking "Test All" for ping performance the load never stops.


Other notes:


You should make PHP errors not be shown to visitors for added security

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Support, contacts and About us links have pages missing.


On your dedicated servers page the "Win Server w/ Panel" column is out of alignment.


On your network strength image (I am not sure if you have code behind it or not), but they are wrong since it shows LA is a better signal than location closer to me on the East Coast.

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Food for thought, and just my opinion, but I feel the sense of no brand awareness with the missing 'header' ... I really am lost as to who the 'company' presence is on the site, besides the 'gameservers' listed softly in the middle. I think you should mimic that soft logo into a 1" header or so to pronounce the name.

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Thanks for all the tips, going to be doing a lot of work on it today. The signal strength test ended up not working as planned since most routers block pinging, we are working on a new idea for that. Also the branding is going to be re-worked as well. I will post back once we make some more changes, and also give a preview of the new custom game panel interface for critique by anyone who is interested.


Thanks again guys, I really appreciate it.

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I love the Validator, i use to base everything i did off of it. However, some of the best sites are broken with the validator because the devs accounted for different HTML restrictions and or browsers. Its a good starting point, but i have started to not follow it so much anymore.

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  dimitrifrom31 said:
I got a 21" screen yet reading your website is killing my eyes due to text police being too small. Might be only my opinion but im sure it would be better to make text areas shorter and bigger.


  • First two posts in the feed have the text-size issue... the rest is fine but you could consider bumping it up a size or changing the font face to something with more apparent width to each letter than height.
  • Possibly left align the "recent news" and "who we are" headers, I completely missed them on my first scan of the site.


Just my $0.02

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Just wanted to say thanks once again to those who contributed, we are a little backed up on corrections but have made some of the easier ones, still lots of work to get it finalized.


We have been putting a majority of our time into the custom game panel. I would really like the input of a couple trustworthy individuals who would be willing to go through it and test the features, any takers? If so shoot me an email: brad [AT] stealthservers.net

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