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New HL2:DM Orangebox engine


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In case anyones missed it but Half Life 2 Deathmatch moved to the orangebox tonight as a footnote to a TF2 update LOL


Althoughy our servers will run, and steam update will update, the server will still run old-stylee..


To get it to work, go into admin->gaming services-> <pick you hl2dm server> ->service settings... Change the tail end of the application setting from \.srcds.exe to \orangebox\srcds.exe (i.e. add the orangebox sub folder to the path).


Also, you will need to copy from [workingdirectory]/hl2mp/ to [workingdirectory]/orangebox/hl2mp files such as: addons, cfg, maps, sound and meterial folder as basically the servers use a new set of configs in a new path than the old server type.


Once done and restarted the server will work fine.

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