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restart server


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Does anyone have or can anyone help me with a script to restart a game(s) say every 12 hours? CS1.6 is the game I want to restart. I am no coder before a couple of you guys give me a flip answer. I am asking for legitimate help here. Thank you in advance.

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<language name="VB" /> 
<waitForUserAction value="true"/> 


Imports System 
Imports TCAdminSDK.Objects
Public Class RestartGameServers
  Public Shared Sub Main() 
     'Set the game id to restart
     dim GameID as string = "TCXXXXXXXXXXXX"

     'Get a list of all services
     Dim services() As Service = Service.GetServices() 
     for each s as Service in services 
           If s.CurrentStatus = ServiceStatus.Running and s.GameId.Equals(GameID) Then
               Console.WriteLine("Restarting " & s.ServiceID)
               'Wait a few seconds before restarting the 
               'next service to avoid high loads on server
           End If

     Console.WriteLine("Done. Press any key to continue.") 
  End Sub 
End Class 




Put that in a restart.tcascript file on your master server (just create a new .txt file, copy/paste and finally rename your file), replace TCXXXXXXXXXXXX by your GAME TCA ID and use task scheduler to run it every 12 hours.


if it deosnt seem to work create a .bat with contents :



and set the task scheduler to run the bat every 12 hours



Edit :

in advanced properties set it so it "stops the task if already running"

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does this restarts empty servers or just all servers no matter what activity is going on?



thsi restart no matter what.

to restart empty ones :


<language name="VB" />
<waitForUserAction value="true"/>


Imports System

Public Class Collector
   Public Shared Sub Main()
       Dim gameid As String = "TCXXXXXXXXXXXX"
       Dim services() As TCAdminSDK.Objects.Service = TCAdminSDK.Objects.Service.GetServices()

       If Not services Is Nothing Then
           For Each service As TCAdminSDK.Objects.Service In services
                   If service.GameID = gameid Or gameid = "TCXXXXXXXXXXXX" Then
                       If service.CurrentStatus = TCAdminSDK.Objects.ServiceStatus.Running Then
                           Dim gswPlugin As TCAdminBase.Plugins.IGenericPlugIn = TCAdminSDK.Remote.InstanceCreator.GetPluginFromServer(service.ServerID, "TCAdmin.Plugins.GameStats.ServerPlugin", "TCAdmin.Plugins.GameStats")
                           Dim xmldata As String = gswPlugin.Execute(New Object() {"GetGameServerStatus", service.ServerIP, service.ServerQueryPort, service.GameID, service.ServiceID})
                           If Not xmldata Is Nothing Then
                               Dim ds As New System.Data.DataSet
                               Dim stream As New System.IO.StringReader(xmldata)

                               If ds.Tables.Count = 0 Then
                                   Console.WriteLine("No results were returned: {0}", service.UniqueDisplayNameWithOwner)
                                   Dim activeplayers As Integer = ds.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item("Active Players")
                                   Console.WriteLine("{0} has {1} active players.", service.UniqueDisplayNameWithOwner, activeplayers)
                                   If activeplayers = 0 Then
                                   End If
                               End If

                               Console.WriteLine("No results were returned: {0}", service.UniqueDisplayNameWithOwner)
                           End If
                           Console.WriteLine("{0} is not running", service.UniqueDisplayNameWithOwner)
                       End If
                   End If
               Catch ex As Exception
                   Console.WriteLine("Error checking {0}: {1}", service.UniqueDisplayNameWithOwner, ex.ToString())
               End Try
       End If
   End Sub
End Class



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