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Ports for Red Orchestra?


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I have to following open:




7757 UDP/IP (Game Port)


7758 UDP/IP (Query Port)


7767 UDP/IP (GameSpy Query Port)


28902 TCP/IP (Allows your Server to Connect to the Master Server Browser)


8075 TCP/IP (Port set via ListenPort that your WebAdmin will run on)


20610 UDP/IP (Steam Port)




The server shows up in the game browser, gamespy and such. But no one can connect. Shut off the firewall and all is fine. I am using IPSEC for my firewall. What am I missing?....I have checked netstat -aon and see no others.

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Open the service details for that game. grab PID for it.




Login to server and open a command prompt.




do a




netstat -ano




Look through the list for all open ports for the PID of the game.

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<table border="0" align="center" width="90%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td class="SmallText">Quote:</td></tr><tr><td class="quote">

TCP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:1162 ESTABLISHED 2152


TCP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8075 LISTENING 2152


UDP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:7757 *:* 2152


UDP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:7758 *:* 2152


UDP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:7767 *:* 2152


UDP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:7768 *:* 2152


UDP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:10757 *:* 2152


UDP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:20610 *:* 2152





I have these opened...still no go




Console shows when trying to connect, Looks like a player is not able to connect to steam as the players are connecting to a random port?


<table border="0" align="center" width="90%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td class="SmallText">Quote:</td></tr><tr><td class="quote">

Executing Class Engine.ServerCommandlet


Browse: RO-Konigsplatz.rom?Name=ROPlayer?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character =R_VehCrew1?


team=1?Sex=M?deathmessagemode=3?game=ROEngine.ROTeamGame?Min Players=0?


Collecting garbage


Purging garbage


Garbage: objects: 48213->48211; refs: 924033


Game class is 'ROTeamGame'


STEAMAUTH : Steam auth system activation successful


Bringing Level RO-Konigsplatz.myLevel up for play (20) appSeconds: 12.884000...


(Karma): Autodetecting CPU for SSE


(Karma): Using SSE Optimizations


GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False


DeathMessageMode: 3


UdpServerQuery(crt): Port 7767 successfully bound.


Resolving master0.gamespy.com...


Defaulting to false


Defaulting to false


MasterServerUplink: Resolved as


Loading Available Maps


Loading Game Types


xWebAdmin.UTServerAdmin Initialized on port 8075


MasterServerUplink: Connection to established.


Resolved master0.gamespy.com (


UdpGameSpyUplink: Master Server is master0.gamespy.com:27900


UdpGameSpyUplink: Port 7768 successfully bound.


STEAMAUTH : Trip_SteamAuth::OnLogonSuccess


STEAMAUTH : Sending updated server details - {sKs}Serialkillin Red Orchestra Ser


ver 0 | 32




Master server requests heartbeat 0 with code 120


Master server requests heartbeat 1 with code 120


Master server requests heartbeat 2 with code 120


Master server assigned our MatchID: 0


Open myLevel 03/27/06 21:40:44 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:1781


STEAMAUTH : Denied Client : ClientID 1 : SteamError 14


Close TcpipConnection xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:1781 03/27/06 21:40:54


Open myLevel 03/27/06 21:40:54 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:1781


Close TcpipConnection xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:1781 03/27/06 21:40:55


Open myLevel 03/27/06 21:43:09 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:2027


STEAMAUTH : Denied Client : ClientID 2 : SteamError 14


Close TcpipConnection xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:2027 03/27/06 21:43:19


Open myLevel 03/27/06 21:43:19 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:2027


Close TcpipConnection xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:2027 03/27/06 21:43:20




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