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Gamers Network Email spam!


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Hello Lads,


Recently i've been getting email spam from "luke@gamers-network.co.uk",

We have requested Luke twice to remove our emails from his mailing list, However no response, So we'll now bring this onto the public forums so everybody is aware of this email spam,


Luke will get your email from forum advertising posts on web hosting talk aswell as tcadmin forums,


The advertising email reads


Good Evening,

I am emailing yourselves today to see if we could give you a service which may be more beneficial to you in terms of both quality and pricing.

Our network infrastructure is one of the leading in the UK. We now have a average of 10,000+ unique players every night of the week. Since the beginning of 2008 we have worked tirelessly to provide a quality of service unmatched in our industry, not only in the products we offer but in the support we provide to each and every customer. A good network, though, is nothing without quality hardware; our servers use the latest components available today.

We are a fully Nominet registered domain registrar. All of our colocation / rackspace packages include free setup as well as KVMoIP.

We offer the following services:

[] Shared Hosting
[] Reseller Hosting
[] Colocation
[] VPS Servers
[] Voice Servers
[] Game Servers
[] Dedicated Servers
[] Domains
[] Rackspace

We actually have some great specials at the moment:

[] Colocation from ?25!
[] Rackspace from ?299!

If you would like further information or have any details regarding any of the other services that we offer then please feel free to contact myself.

Kind regards,

Sales Consultant




Dear Company,

I would like to introduce to you Gamers-Network.co.uk.

Gamers Network offer a variety of services at our location in Cheltenham, UK.

Services we offer:

Game Servers

Dedicated servers (from ?35!)



Voice Servers



We are a fully Nominet registered domain registra.

All of our servers are owned and we have onsite staff 24hours a day.

Please bare with us on the website, it's being refaced as we thought it was time for a change. Incase you are wondering, yes we did purchase Alphafrag LTD around 12months ago.

If you would like a quote for anything, please email me and I will create you the best price I possibly can.

Kind regards,



Sales Consultant





Luke i request you remove all 3 of our email address from your mailing list, from both my businesses, Thank you



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Yea there has been a rise in the spammer hosts, and several of them do frequent these boards. Trouble is the fools that sign up based on such garbage.

While I don't support spam in any way, if people would start being smart and just hitting the delete key on spam instead of giving it consideration spammers would be wasting there money and go out of business.


Consumers are the ones holding the power, if they refuse to consider spammed adds then spammed adds will stop.

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1. Right Click

2. add to spam


Sorry to say, but if your not used to getting people trying to get your money, your not in business.


Don't usually get it from GSPs though :)

I was actually involved at GN and to be honest Luke has only been working here for 3-4 days and has caused a lot of issues. He has been fired and here is his number if you wish to complain.


Had quite a good giggle, Seems the reputation of gamers-network.co.uk has gone down the pan because of this luke person, Shame if luke is just a employee!



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Yeah especially those spammmers who ask you for help on MSN and then start spamming you with there services offerings..



I blocked this guy some time ago.. ;)



[07:59] Liam@Gaming-Solutions.com: hello mate, we've got lots new dedicated servers in stock, are you intrested in a dedicated server? we sell usa and uk servers now you can view what dedicated servers we have in stock here (Link: https://www.gaming-solutions.com/dedicated-servers.html)https://www.gaming-solutions.com/dedicated-servers.html

[07:59] *** Auto-response sent to Liam@Gaming-Solutions.com: I am currently away from the computer.

Session Close (Liam@Gaming-Solutions.com): Thu Oct 15 09:24:32 2009



hy?poc?ri?sy   /hɪˈpɒkrəsi/ Show Spelled[hi-pok-ruh-see] Show IPA

?noun, plural -sies.

1. a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess.

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Hi here is a copy of my message to them in WHC


Hi Guys,


A friend pointed me in the direction of this post so thought id put your "in" boxes at rest!


GamingDeluxe yesterday purchased Gamers-Network so you will no longer be recieving these spam mails. We have been in buisness for around 8 years and run a professional outfit with racks in TH Metro London and also SafeHosts in Cheltenham. Last night when the deal was complete i burnt the midnight oil nailing down there web server to ensure no one else was subjected to the pain of these mails. We will working tirelessly over the next week to merge GamersNetwork into our Systems.


Anyone with any concerns can mail me direct on info @ gamingdeluxe.co.uk



Andy Wood

Managing Director

GamingDeluxe LTD



While im here i might as well mention i also purchased http://www.clanhosts.org.uk earlier this year, they were hosted with me already but nasty black ops sunk there battle ship so dean and John gave it all up :(.

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Just to let everyone know: GD bought GN last minute as a direct act of KillerCreation shutting down our networks without informing us. We had taken on a junior sales staff member named Luke Derbyshire who I have recently discovered to be a pain in GSP's back everywhere. This Luke has tarnished the GN name and caused staff member Justin @ KC to blacklist us. I am quite offended that this has happened and the assumptions people are coming to on this forum and the WHC forums.


Luke had been with us no more than 2-3 days to my knowledge and as soon as I had recieved a complaint to myself and management, we had changed his password immediately and revoked his access to our systems.


This being said, we had no network and a lot of people asking questions: Two choices, down time for our clients while we relocate our network to one that would not violate our agreement and shut out network down spratically - OR - sell GN to another company and maintain their respect and keep them happy.


We went for the latter, and we do not appreciate GD being so discourtious about this as well as some of the other hosting companies joining in to have a go at the organisation.


As a side note, anyone who had recieved an email too many times from Luke should've been proffessional and contacted management. We had not been contacted and not informed of his spamming escapaded until we were shut down forecefully.


Hope you will all now respect what happened.

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This is not an attack on anyone, simply advice for those reading this in thread.


Most reputable datacenters have clauses in the TOS that authorize termination of your service for violations. Spam is considered a violation of most TOS. If your service has been shut off, don’t argue the shut off. Accept responsibility no matter how small it may be and apologize. (Responsibility travels upwards so if you are over or a partner of the offending individual you bear some responsibility for their actions) Then provide documentation on what you have done to stop it, and what you are putting in place to prevent repeats. Datacenters are in business to make money if you show you are a good responsible customer believe me they’ll accept your money.


Don’t spend your time telling the community why it’s not your fault. Those are just words and someone else can come on boards claiming the opposite then it’s a he said she said. Instead follow similar steps to what you did with your provider. Acknowledge your responsibility and apologize for the slip up. Then state what has been done to resolve the situation and prevent repeats. This will go miles farther in gaining their respect and support.


If you haven’t done so already ensure your email is setup to conform to email protocols. One of those is the account postmaster@yourdomain.com needs to be active and pointed to someone in power. Recipients of spam do not want to hunt down someone in power. You can’t blame the victim for going over your head, but if you make it as easy as possible to reach you then there is a better chance of getting word before you start suffering repercussions. Sure I get spam on my postmaster email, but you are going to get spam regardless of how much you try and hide your email. At least I know when someone wants to get in touch with me for violations from IPs I control it will be easy for them to do so. And this fact has made things much nicer on a couple occasions as customers have violated the rules.

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