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Allowing access to pb/svss on Ranked Servers?


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The original owner of the company handled this before, but as the company is now under new management, I need to setup access for our ranked server clients to view their Punk Buster screenshots.


How can I allow them access to this directory? Should I just enable File Manager for the game, and force the user directory to that folder or is there a better way?

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enable File Manager for the game, and force the user directory to that folder


that was already answered on the ranked mailer as well but it's not the user directory you set,



Force Path for FTP/FileMan: /pb/


keep in mind TCA can be buggy nd if you set this up in the TCA config for the game and then unlock FTP games installed prior to this may still allow access to root.


So............. Make the forcepath change then run the update service script u can get from luis.


After you update all services you can then go back and allow FTP in the TCA game config.

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The blank or black screen shots are caused by directx10 or better, PB has known about this for years but they have failed to fix it. It's almost a waste to set up PB/svss for bc2 as most of the players run newer systems. So your looking at about 80-90% black screen shots.

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There isn't supposed to be any file manager/ftp access to any directory for the client.




Copied from the public Server administration Documents..


Files which may be accessible to the server admin

EA decides which files the RSP may make available to the admin. 
It is up to each RSP how to facilitate this, and the extent to which access is given. 
The list below contains all the files which the RSP is allowed to give the server admin full access to:



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OK, pb directory as a whole is still off limits and they've obviously changed to allow the svss and svlogs directories since I worked with them. However, this section here would still be incorrect and not allowed.


It's completely correct..


The htm and dll folders are hidden so there is no access to anything other than whats allowed. Also htm and dll are restrcited in TCA by default. removing such default settings is idiotic.



I wish people would take the time to properly read ALL the documentation

there would be no issues. ;)

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why not simply enabling standard ftp / file man and restricting some folders tcafolderconfig thingie (check kb)


No need to.. the basic restriction in place is all that is needed.


Then you basically get a file manager that looks like this as well as the same FTP access.


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Of course,, why would you allow it? That's just asking for trouble.


I ask since if that setup is in place like you talked about but .bat wasn't blocked then pb can be told to execute it. It wasn't mentioned in your previous post amongst others so I was just making sure bases were covered.


Doesn't negate that Dice (Kalms) relayed that no ftp was to be given of any sort about 10 months back or so.

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