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Looking to get back into the Industry (Employment)


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So after a bit of a break from my last position I ready to get back into the Game Server hosting industry. Not sure how many of you recognize the name, but I have been working in the industry for coming up on 5 years now , so I have had quite a bit of experience in Game Server hosting. This is just a vague overview of my experiences, please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.



- Windows Server 2003 OS

- Windows Server 2008 OS


- TCAdmin Control Panel (Large Amount of Experience)

- Installation and Support of various games. (Can Provide a List if Requested)


- Client Exec

- Basic CPanel and Basic Linux


I have experience working for many different hosting companies, and I can provide multiple references upon request.




Please contact me to provide a detailed resume of my experience and references.


Requested Pay:


I am very flexible on the pay. I am willing to work for an agreed upon ?probationary? period with no pay, then moving to either a salary basis or per incident basis.

Contact Information:


If you would like for me to send you details about anything mentioned above, please either reply to this post, PM me, or email me at b-cuomo@hotmail.com.


MSN: b-cuomo@hotmail.com

AIM: b-cuomo@hotmail.com

Skype: (Can be provided upon request)

Phone: (Can be provided upon request)


Thank You.

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