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Port Bleeding


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Has anyone else experienced this before? Basically when one server on the machine bleeds into another one, and on the display it shows all the information for the other server?


I ran into it about a year ago but cannot remember what I did to resolve it. I temporarily fixed it for a client yesterday by turning off both servers, then turning his back on first, but it looks like it has come back.


Is there any decent resolution for this?

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Try checking if the gameserver is running a mod that causes it to not bind to it's assigned IP:Port. This can happen with certain mods for source games.


If it is happening with another type of game you might need to re-distribute that type of gameserver to another box as this can generally happen if there is a certain number of servers of the same type running on the same box on the same port and multiple IPs.

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Hmm, it is happening between a CSS and a TF2 server. Both are running the Standard Sourcemod/Eventscripts, but these are basically the only two source servers on the machine. The only thing I can tell that they have in common is port, but the IPs are completely different

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Let the both clients know you are going to be working on the issue and there server will be going up and down while you are troubleshooting. Then I would recommend disabling the addons for both servers then starting them back up to see if the port bleeding has gone away. If this corrected the issue, rotate between having them enabled between the servers to see which one is causing the port bleeding. Once you have found it you will more then likely be able to isolate the server that is probably causing the port bleeding when it starts up. Then if you want to you can go through and disable certain addons on the offending server to inform the client the exact issue addon/script that caused the issue.

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