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User access to specific game servers


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Hi guys,


I've had a trawl through the forums but haven't managed to find anything to help me just yet. Please excuse my post if this is a stupid/obvious question!


I rent a dedicated server and get TCAdmin as part of the package. I recently left a clan but since I'm a nice guy, want to let them keep using their game server which runs on my dedi box. However, i don't particularly want them to be able to start/stop other game servers and more importantly, have FTP access to any game servers but their own.


I had a dedicated server from a previous provider that I'm 99% certain was also using TCAdmin (though it looked quite different) and you could specify which game server instances each user had access to. You also had quite granular control over exactly WHAT the user could do, so FTP, updating, restarting, etc, were all selectable options. Am I missing something obvious?




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