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How much money does your GSP make you


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LOL, I have to agree that there is no way for me to survive on that amount. I imagine if I was still there it should be double or triple that by this point. That still wouldn't be enough for me to put that many hours in and add the GS monopoly of black ops and it was time for me to bail ship while things were good.


It was a fun adventure and one I'll surely never attempt again unless some major things change in this market or I go insane. :)

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So then the part where you stay on this forum is where we all lol?


Would that be the only reason to stay on these forums? I won't engage in your incessant attempts to disrupt and condescend further, but please try to think clearly and thoroughly before asking a question or whatever that was.

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Jesse, if your going to continue to be beligerant than I'll simply stop replying to you. Your derailing the thread further than what has already been done. It was a simple question I asked and yet you didn't answer. At this point, I'll just assume your having another tantrum.

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  • 3 weeks later...

lpgservers: I don't blame you for getting out. With the amount of work and hours involved any successful hosting company (that does it full time) should be profiting at least 2-3 times that per month, Otherwise what's the point? you might as well go work at McDonalds.

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lpgservers: I don't blame you for getting out. With the amount of work and hours involved any successful hosting company (that does it full time) should be profiting at least 2-3 times that per month, Otherwise what's the point? you might as well go work at McDonalds.


Even that wouldn't have kept me around. There isn't much that could have kept me in to be honest.

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Unfortunately the lack of a business plan even being conceptualized by 99% of these 'companies' and their inadequate ways of attempting to 'find' business by cut throat pricing, and slander is what killed this 'industry' (haha)...It once was enjoyable, and profitable whereas now you simply have to respond to 100's of 'what the hell, i deleted all my files why wont my server start' support tickets for $.05/month/user profit.


What I don't understand however issssssssss.............(and this is my opinion..so keep the guns at bay)


Everyone (yes) can change this around with some dedicated work, more effort and less whining. Maybe organize a simple 'gsp coucil' and attempt to draw everyone (bring your business license with you for admittance) together for a chat. Maybe talk about a combined effort to solicit the game developers for dedicated server support, raising prices? marketing for and providing support to help bring the 'free' competitive leagues back, maybe taking a look at actually helping the communities strive instead of shitting on them.


There is a boatload of cash still out there, and quite opposite to what a majority of people are saying we are actually finding people spending more on simple low cost entertainment such as *at home* gaming, rather than going to concerts, restaurants, clubs, etc....It's just simply a little bit harder to find them.




Call me crazy, but lets all get out of the sob story and why not do something about it?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Unfortunately the lack of a business plan even being conceptualized by 99% of these 'companies' and their inadequate ways of attempting to 'find' business by cut throat pricing, and slander is what killed this 'industry' (haha)...It once was enjoyable, and profitable whereas now you simply have to respond to 100's of 'what the hell, i deleted all my files why wont my server start' support tickets for $.05/month/user profit.


What I don't understand however issssssssss.............(and this is my opinion..so keep the guns at bay)


Everyone (yes) can change this around with some dedicated work, more effort and less whining. Maybe organize a simple 'gsp coucil' and attempt to draw everyone (bring your business license with you for admittance) together for a chat. Maybe talk about a combined effort to solicit the game developers for dedicated server support, raising prices? marketing for and providing support to help bring the 'free' competitive leagues back, maybe taking a look at actually helping the communities strive instead of shitting on them.


There is a boatload of cash still out there, and quite opposite to what a majority of people are saying we are actually finding people spending more on simple low cost entertainment such as *at home* gaming, rather than going to concerts, restaurants, clubs, etc....It's just simply a little bit harder to find them.




Call me crazy, but lets all get out of the sob story and why not do something about it?


That would never work......


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That would never work......



I agree to not agree with you :)


This approach works in many other industries -- Everyone saying it won't work and doing nothing about it then of course it won't work.


There is no reason why business's can't compete but also work together to form a solid industry with guidelines and reachable practices.


Check out the MMA ( http://www.mmagloal.com ), or the MPAA there exists many of these such associations for many industries and they DO work.


I'm interested in your reasoning for why "couldn't" it work (not wouldn't) if you care to explain your reasoning.

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I'm interested in your reasoning for why "couldn't" it work (not wouldn't) if you care to explain your reasoning.


Well, Been doing this since around 2002, and I must say that this industry has the biggest A$$HOLES I have ever seen. They will cut your throat for a nickel. I can count on one hand the amount of owners that I'd have a beer with.



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Well, Been doing this since around 2002, and I must say that this industry has the biggest A$$HOLES I have ever seen. They will cut your throat for a nickel. I can count on one hand the amount of owners that I'd have a beer with.




I think thats becuase there are alot of kids about who dont know how todo buisness. Ive met quite a few hosts over the years and the Mature older ones you can share good banter and exchange stories of retarded tickets you recieve on a daily basis. But i agree there are alot of cut thoats out there!


Ive been doing this for 8 years and built the buisness up from 1 box to 200, i have 3 staff, pay tax on employees wages and UK VAT @ 20% and still do another job 2 days a week to ensure the morgage is paid every month and now im a slave to the PC 24/7 365 days a year, every day is ground hog day!

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Well, Been doing this since around 2002, and I must say that this industry has the biggest A$$HOLES I have ever seen. They will cut your throat for a nickel. I can count on one hand the amount of owners that I'd have a beer with.




We've had a laugh or two about this very thing on a few occasions over the years bobby and it won't ever change.. Which is why I don't bother posting much over here anymore.

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Unfortunately the lack of a business plan even being conceptualized by 99% of these 'companies' and their inadequate ways of attempting to 'find' business by cut throat pricing, and slander is what killed this 'industry' (haha)...It once was enjoyable, and profitable whereas now you simply have to respond to 100's of 'what the hell, i deleted all my files why wont my server start' support tickets for $.05/month/user profit.


What I don't understand however issssssssss.............(and this is my opinion..so keep the guns at bay)


Everyone (yes) can change this around with some dedicated work, more effort and less whining. Maybe organize a simple 'gsp coucil' and attempt to draw everyone (bring your business license with you for admittance) together for a chat. Maybe talk about a combined effort to solicit the game developers for dedicated server support, raising prices? marketing for and providing support to help bring the 'free' competitive leagues back, maybe taking a look at actually helping the communities strive instead of shitting on them.


There is a boatload of cash still out there, and quite opposite to what a majority of people are saying we are actually finding people spending more on simple low cost entertainment such as *at home* gaming, rather than going to concerts, restaurants, clubs, etc....It's just simply a little bit harder to find them.




Call me crazy, but lets all get out of the sob story and why not do something about it?



Your thoughts certainly have merit and would be of mutual benefit to everyone involved however I personally don't believe this type of thing would ever work, There's way too many variables to consider and only one needs to fall out of place for it to go boom..


A few years back several of us got together to discuss a strategy since pricing on dedicated servers had dropped by a good margin every kid with a CC decided to become GSP's and us "full time" hosters were all the sudden losing our hard earned clients to these part time/gone tomorrow kids.. Prior to this EVERYONE was making money and we all got along just fine. Fast forward a few years and everyone hates the next guy and idiots are out promoting .25c slot hosting and staying open just long enough to kill the market rep a little more..


Basically we all came to the conclusion that (A: it would be a monopoly type deal or B: unless everyone came on board it wouldn't work). Now mind you our "group" consisted of everyone from my company to guys like tcadmin, colocrossing/Velocityservers, leetservers, AOWC, etc, etc, so there was considerable influence to get something done but in the end I believe the legal aspects alone were enough to thwart our efforts which is why I don't believe it will ever be feasible.


I however do agree that there's still money to be made. We had a record month in April which verifies that and it wasn't done by lowering our prices or using goggle ads, We haven't used those in years and still manage to show a positive balance.. The secret? Sell a good product and understand how to support it FULLY and they will come.. ;)



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