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Scheduled service restarts

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...



Those Scheduled restarts are really nice :)


But I have a request to increase them :


Can you add a tab into the model of gameserver, to permit to create Scheduled restarts ? With default activation or not ? That's can be usefull :)


I wish to propose Scheduled restarts by default to all my clients of CSS type gameserver, and with that I will avoid to create a "howto" explained how to set by themself a Scheduled restarts.

Edited by WolwX
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Note: i did not see this thread when i was typing this up, but i thought i would post this in here becuse it's similar.


Feature Request - More Scheduling


Hi, i really like the Task Scheduler but i was wondering if you could add that to a game's config? So by default when a game is installed they inherited the tasks listed in the game config but the user can edit them if allowed. so for example say a server restart, i know that you alreday have it where a users can make a task to restart the server, but i want the task to be made by default. i also know that you can setup a recuring taks for all the servers but then the user can't edit the start time of the task. I know that you can compress files as a task now, but can you make it so that users can make backups of their dir as a scheduled task too?


P. S. I was wondering if or when you would have the web server only installer out and the option for an external ftp server for the game install files, i have only seen the option to get the game install files from the master.

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