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HomeFront problems


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If using v1:

- Enable interact with desktop to view the game console and check for errors.

- Configure the windows service to run as a user instead of local system.


If using v2:

Have you configured the game to run as tcagame or as local system?


If you configured it to run as tcagame check for access denied when accesing files with process monitor:



Also check the service manager console log for errors.

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If using v1:

- Enable interact with desktop to view the game console and check for errors.

- Configure the windows service to run as a user instead of local system.


- 1. Results show the same 1 error, which is Steam not being on (safe to ignore).

- 2. I tried running it as my account with no luck. Should I try an account thats not logged in?


Using TCAdmin v1.

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Here you go:

.bat file:

HFDedicated.exe SERVER ?maxplayers=32?multihome= -queryport=27015 -authport=8766 -rconport1=27010 -rconport2=27011 -configsubdir=DedicatedProfile_Default


TCAdmin Server Generated Command Line:

SERVER ?maxplayers=32?multihome -queryport=27015 -authport=8766 -rconport1=27010 -rconport2=27011 -configsubdir=DedicatedProfile_Default


I have also attached my config.


Also, thanks to everyone who has tried helping so far.

Home Front.txt

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Try like this:


SERVER ?maxplayers=32 -queryport=27015 -authport=8766 -rconport1=27010 -rconport2=27011 -configsubdir=DedicatedProfile_Default -nohomedir -multihome=


I think this works.


What do I set the Game Compatibility to so it query it?

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