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Servers in Remot stooped


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=================== SOLUTION TO THIS IS HERE ===================


=================== =====================================


TCAdmin Version:

Operating System: Windows server 2008 standard 64 bit

Machine Specs: 8 g Intel Xeon CPU 3.00 2Process

Database Type: Sql lite


I have

1 Master Server its working fine

1 Remote Server its working fine

1 Remote Server ERROR


I have 3 game server CSS in this remote but when starting services , starting for 1 or 2 mins and stooped again .




07/04/2011 19:46:47    TCAdmin - The Game Hosting Control Panel
07/04/2011 19:46:48    Software Version         :
07/04/2011 19:46:48    .NET Version             : 2.0.50727.3623 Windows 64 bits
07/04/2011 19:46:48    Monitor Ports            : Secure: 8881 Standard: 8880
07/04/2011 19:46:48    Windows Firewall Support : Disabled
07/04/2011 19:46:48    uPnP Port Forwarding     : Disabled
07/04/2011 19:46:48    Current User             : SYSTEM
07/04/2011 19:46:48    Database Engine          : SQLite
07/04/2011 19:46:48    Database Cache           : Enabled
07/04/2011 19:46:48    
07/04/2011 19:46:48    Starting the Monitor Web Service...
07/04/2011 19:46:52    The Monitor Web Service has been started.
07/04/2011 19:46:55    Starting the Public Web Service...
07/04/2011 19:46:58    The Public Web Service has been started.
07/04/2011 19:47:00    Starting the Task Scheduler...
07/04/2011 19:47:00    The Task Scheduler has been started.
07/04/2011 19:47:04    Starting the Game Monitor Service...
07/04/2011 19:47:05    The Game Monitor Service has been started.
07/04/2011 19:47:07    Starting the FTP Service...
07/04/2011 19:47:09    The FTP Service has been started on port 8821.
07/04/2011 19:47:10    
07/04/2011 19:47:10    The Master Monitor has been started on WIN-399K4E4CJ1R
07/04/2011 19:48:02    Stopping the Task Scheduler...
07/04/2011 19:48:02    The Task Scheduler service has been stopped.
07/04/2011 19:48:02    Stopping the Game Monitor Service...
07/04/2011 19:48:02    The Game Monitor Service service has been stopped.
07/04/2011 19:48:02    Stopping the FTP Service...
07/04/2011 19:48:02    The FTP Service service has been stopped.
07/04/2011 19:48:02    The Master Monitor has been stopped successfully.
07/04/2011 19:48:06    TCAdmin - The Game Hosting Control Panel
07/04/2011 19:48:08    Software Version         :
07/04/2011 19:48:08    .NET Version             : 2.0.50727.3623 Windows 64 bits
07/04/2011 19:48:08    Monitor Ports            : Secure: 8881 Standard: 8880
07/04/2011 19:48:08    Windows Firewall Support : Disabled
07/04/2011 19:48:08    uPnP Port Forwarding     : Disabled
07/04/2011 19:48:08    Current User             : SYSTEM
07/04/2011 19:48:08    Database Engine          : SQLite (HTTP Protocol)
07/04/2011 19:48:08    Database Cache           : Enabled
07/04/2011 19:48:08    
07/04/2011 19:48:08    Starting the Monitor Web Service...
07/04/2011 19:48:12    The Monitor Web Service has been started.
07/04/2011 19:48:13    Starting the Task Scheduler...
07/04/2011 19:48:19    The Task Scheduler has been started.
07/04/2011 19:48:29    Starting the Game Monitor Service...
07/04/2011 19:48:37    The Game Monitor Service has been started.
07/04/2011 19:48:39    Starting the FTP Service...
07/04/2011 19:48:49    The FTP Service has been started on port 8821.
07/04/2011 19:48:49    
07/04/2011 19:48:49    The Remote Monitor has been started on
07/04/2011 20:40:36    TCAdmin - The Game Hosting Control Panel
07/04/2011 20:40:49    Software Version         :
07/04/2011 20:40:49    .NET Version             : 2.0.50727.3623 Windows 64 bits
07/04/2011 20:40:49    Monitor Ports            : Secure: 8881 Standard: 8880
07/04/2011 20:40:49    Windows Firewall Support : Disabled
07/04/2011 20:40:49    uPnP Port Forwarding     : Disabled
07/04/2011 20:40:49    Current User             : SYSTEM
07/04/2011 20:40:49    Database Engine          : SQLite (HTTP Protocol)
07/04/2011 20:40:49    Database Cache           : Enabled
07/04/2011 20:40:49    
07/04/2011 20:40:52    Starting the Monitor Web Service...
07/04/2011 20:40:58    The Monitor Web Service has been started.
07/04/2011 20:40:59    Starting the Task Scheduler...
07/04/2011 20:41:05    The Task Scheduler has been started.
07/04/2011 20:41:15    Starting the Game Monitor Service...
07/04/2011 20:41:26    The Game Monitor Service has been started.
07/04/2011 20:41:28    Starting the FTP Service...
07/04/2011 20:41:36    The FTP Service has been started on port 8821.
07/04/2011 20:41:36    
07/04/2011 20:41:36    The Remote Monitor has been started on


07/04/2011 19:57:27    System.Web    System.Web.HttpException: Response is not available in this context.
  at System.Web.UI.Page.get_Response()
  at Monitor.Web.Base.StreamConsole._consoleWrapper_NewOutputAvailable(Object sender, ConsoleEventArgs e)
07/04/2011 19:58:13    System.Web    System.Web.HttpException: Response is not available in this context.
  at System.Web.UI.Page.get_Response()
  at Monitor.Web.Base.StreamConsole._consoleWrapper_NewOutputAvailable(Object sender, ConsoleEventArgs e)
07/04/2011 19:58:13    System.Web    System.Web.HttpException: Response is not available in this context.
  at System.Web.UI.Page.get_Response()
  at Monitor.Web.Base.StreamConsole._consoleWrapper_NewOutputAvailable(Object sender, ConsoleEventArgs e)
07/04/2011 19:58:13    System.Web    System.Web.HttpException: Response is not available in this context.
  at System.Web.UI.Page.get_Response()
  at Monitor.Web.Base.StreamConsole._consoleWrapper_NewOutputAvailable(Object sender, ConsoleEventArgs e)


TCAdmin - The Game Hosting Control Panel
Software Version         :
.NET Version             : 2.0.50727.3623 Windows 64 bits
Monitor Ports            : Secure: 8881 Standard: 8880
Windows Firewall Support : Disabled
uPnP Port Forwarding     : Disabled
Current User             : SYSTEM
Database Engine          : SQLite (HTTP Protocol)
Database Cache           : Enabled

Starting the Monitor Web Service...
The Monitor Web Service has been started.
Starting the Task Scheduler...
The Task Scheduler has been started.
Starting the Game Monitor Service...
The Game Monitor Service has been started.
Starting the FTP Service...
The FTP Service has been started on port 8821.

The Remote Monitor has been started on XXX.XX.XX.8

Edited by LFA
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its same I'm using Warmod but all time crash I'm using linux centos 5


before I have windows 2008 and working fine with tcadmin 2


Master server = windows 2008 32 bit = working fine

Remote server = windows 2008 64 bit = working fine

Remote server = Linux centos 5 32 bit = crashing all time

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Error Msg


# ver shutting down)

L 07/10/2011 - 00:19:36: server_message: "quit"

L 07/10/2011 - 00:19:36: Log file closed

L 07/10/2011 - 00:19:36: server_message: "restart"

Reference Count for Material ___error (10) != 0

Reference Count for Material __depthwrite00 (1) != 0

Reference Count for Material __depthwrite01 (1) != 0

Reference Count for Material __depthwrite10 (1) != 0

Reference Count for Material __depthwrite11 (1) != 0

Reference Count for Material ___glintbuildmaterial (1) != 0

Reference Count for Material __particlesdepthwrite (1) != 0

Reference Count for Material particle/muzzleflash/noisecloud1 (6) != 0

/home/tcagame/Admin/12/orangebox/srcds_run: line 372: 3595 Segmentation fault (core dumped) $HL_CMD

Add "-debug" to the /home/tcagame/Admin/12/orangebox/srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem

Sun Jul 10 00:19:36 AST 2011: Server restart in 10 seconds

/home/tcagame/Admin/12/orangebox/srcds_run: line 372: 3638 Terminated sleep $TIMEOUT

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it same


crach after 1 min or less


Error msg


# Auto detecting CPU

/home/tcagame/XXXXXXXX/14/orangebox/srcds_run: line 183: gdb: command not found

Using default binary: ./srcds_linux

Enabling debug mode

WARNING: Please install gdb first.

goto http://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/

Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.

Using breakpad crash handler

Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 240

Forcing breakpad minidump interfaces to load

Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient

Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit

Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(240)/version(4624)

Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient

Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit

Running a benchmark to measure system clock frequency...

Finished RDTSC test. To prevent the startup delay from this benchmark, set the environment variable RDTSC_FREQUENCY to 3000.000000 on this system. This value is dependent upon the CPU clock speed and architecture and should be determined separately for each server. The use of this mechanism for timing can be disabled by setting RDTSC_FREQUENCY to 'disabled'.

Using breakpad minidump system


Console initialized.

Game.dll loaded for "Counter-Strike: Source"

[zBlock] Attempting to load plugin

[zBlock] Performing update check

[zBlock] Your plugin version is up-to-date

[zBlock] Game: "Counter-Strike: Source"

[zBlock] Hooked Server ConCommand 'ent_fire'

[zBlock] Hooked Server ConCommand 'ent_create'

[zBlock] Hooked Server ConCommand 'sv_pure'

[zBlock] Hooked Server ConCommand 'alias'

[zBlock] Plugin Successfully Loaded!

Failed to open output file: cstrike/addons/eslplugin_i486.so

maxplayers set to 15

Unknown command "�"

[zBlock] Voice Hook Enabled

[zBlock] Hooked ConCommands

zb_crashblock changed now "1"

[zBlock] Net Hook Enabled

Unable to load plugin "addons/eslplugin_i486"

Unable to load plugin "addons/eslplugin_i486"

Unknown command "r_decal_cullsize"

maxplayers set to 15

Network: IP XXX, mode MP, dedicated Yes, ports 27044 SV / 27005 CL

L 07/10/2011 - 12:24:06: [sM] Unexpected fatal logging error (file "/home/tcagame/XXXXX/14/orangebox/cstrike/addons/sourcemod/logs/L20110710.log")

L 07/10/2011 - 12:24:06: [sM] Platform returned error: "Permission denied"

L 07/10/2011 - 12:24:06: [sM] Logging has been disabled.

[TS] Hooking round end events for game: cstrike

ConVarRef room_type doesn't point to an existing ConVar

Executing dedicated server config file

[zBlock] Movement Hook Enabled

[zBlock] Hooked Server ConCommand "tv_record"

[zBlock] Hooked Server ConCommand "pause"

[zBlock] AntiAnti-Flash-and-Smoke Hook Enabled

[TS] Team Names: TERR CT - OnRoundEnd available: yes

Failed to load Steam ServiceServiceStart: failed to startUnknown command "�"

zBlock: "sv_consistency" forced to 1

zBlock: "sv_consistency" forced to 1

maxplayers set to 16 (extra slot was added for SourceTV)

zBlock: sv_pure change, Removing all players


sv_pure set to 2.

Note: Changes to sv_pure take effect when the next map is loaded.


---- Host_Changelevel ----

Server using sv_pure 2.

Caching file CRCs for pure server...

Finished caching file CRCs for pure server in 0 seconds.

ConVarRef room_type doesn't point to an existing ConVar

Executing dedicated server config file

[TS] Team Names: TERR CT - OnRoundEnd available: yes

Unknown command "�"

zBlock: "sv_consistency" forced to 1

zBlock: "sv_consistency" forced to 1

maxplayers set to 16 (extra slot was added for SourceTV)

SourceTV broadcast active.

Connection to Steam servers successful.

VAC secure mode is activated.

Client "XXXXXXXX" connected (XXXXXXXX).

Game will not start until both teams have players.

Client "XXXXXXXX" connected (XXXXXXXX).

Dropped XXXXXXXX from server (Server shutting down)

Dropped XXXXXXXX from server (Server shutting down)

Dropped XXXXXXXX TV from server (Server shutting down)


zBlock: Plugin UNLOADED!

Reference Count for Material ___error (10) != 0

Reference Count for Material __depthwrite00 (1) != 0

Reference Count for Material __depthwrite01 (1) != 0

Reference Count for Material __depthwrite10 (1) != 0

Reference Count for Material __depthwrite11 (1) != 0

Reference Count for Material ___glintbuildmaterial (1) != 0

Reference Count for Material __particlesdepthwrite (1) != 0

Reference Count for Material particle/muzzleflash/noisecloud1 (6) != 0

Sun Jul 10 12:25:29 AST 2011: Server Quit



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sorry I dont understand this


When you start it and go to current activity does it query the game server correctly?


Does it crash if it is empty or until somebody connects?


no it crashing when somebody connected and play

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I mean if you go to game services > select the game server and click on the current activity icon. Does it query the game server correctly?


I created a CSS server. Ran steam update and extracted gametech_warmod_cstrike_linux_3.0.13.zip to the game server.


I connected to the game server and it doesn't crash.


L 07/11/2011 - 15:52:23: "ME" connected, address ""
Client "ME" connected (
L 07/11/2011 - 15:52:24: "ME" STEAM USERID validated
L 07/11/2011 - 15:52:26: World triggered "Round_Start"
L 07/11/2011 - 15:52:26: WarMod triggered "round_freeze_end"
L 07/11/2011 - 15:52:27: "ME" entered the game
L 07/11/2011 - 15:52:39: "ME<Unassigned>" joined team "TERRORIST"
L 07/11/2011 - 15:52:39: WarMod triggered "player_team" (player "ME") (oldteam "0") (newteam "2")
L 07/11/2011 - 15:52:42: WarMod triggered "item_pickup" (player "ME<TERRORIST><2352.00><-256.00><-176.00><0.00><180.00><0.00><0.00><0.00><0.00><100><0><0>") (item "knife")
L 07/11/2011 - 15:52:42: WarMod triggered "item_pickup" (player "ME<TERRORIST><2352.00><-256.00><-176.00><0.00><180.00><0.00><0.00><0.00><0.00><100><0><0>") (item "glock")
Game will not start until both teams have players.
L 07/11/2011 - 15:52:42: WarMod triggered "item_pickup" (player "ME<TERRORIST><2352.00><-256.00><-176.00><0.00><180.00><0.00><0.00><0.00><0.00><100><0><0>") (item "c4")
L 07/11/2011 - 15:52:42: "ME<TERRORIST>" triggered "Got_The_Bomb"
L 07/11/2011 - 15:52:42: WarMod triggered "bomb_pickup" (player "ME<TERRORIST><2352.00><-256.00><-176.00><0.00><180.00><0.00><0.00><0.00><0.00><100><0><0>")

Your log looks exactly like the client that had the crash with vphysics.so. It crashed right after the first player connected.


I also tested on the linux demo server and got the same results. You can try it. I will leave it running for today: tcadmin.com:27015

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I have ran CSS with this mod on 2 servers and I have not had any problems. I didn't even have to update vphysics. All I did was run the steam update, extract the files and started the service.


Create a ticket with the url and login for your control panel, the IP and port of a game server that is crashing and access to the server.

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The problem is that the mod adds 1 slot to the configured slots in the command line. (Configure it as 15 and the mod changes it to 16) The query monitoring detects the change and executes the configured actions (stop service, email user).


The fix is to go to Game Details > Process and Query Monitoring > Slot Detection and set additional slots to 1.

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