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creating a game server


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im kind of a newbie to linux allthough i have used centos for the last 2 years i kind of know the basics but im not advanced. I never used tcadmin v1 and i have managed to get v2 installed fine and working.


now i have used the download_css-linux.sh and then did the compress_css-linux.sh


when i add a new user and try create a game server i get the pop up saying its extracting css-linux.tar.gz if i remove this file then i get the copying directory css-linux. This stays like this for a few minutes and then the progress bar shoots upto 100% and then i get the following message.


Error - The file /home/tcagame/username/1/orangebox/srcds_run does not exist.


have checked and it hasnt coppied any of the files there... ive tried a few things and searched the forums but im getting no where and its proberbly something stupid im missing or forgot to do.


anyone have any ideas, thoughts ?



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You only need to compress the game files if you have remote servers and they are configured to download the game files from the master. Downloading a single large file is faster than downloading lots of smaller files.


Make sure /home/tcadmin/tcafiles/games/css-linux/orangebox/srcds_run exists. It probably doesn't that is why you are getting the error. Run download_css-linux.sh again maybe your download did not complete.

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all the files are there and i have ran the file again and its verifyfied they are there.


on the create game server it says its copying the files but then it seems it doesnt copy them as i get the error.


just to make it clear


all game files are located /home/tcadmin/tcafiles/games/css-linux


on creating a game server the files dont get coppied to




am i missing something with permissions or summit ?

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First the files are placed in a temporary folder. When the file copy is complete it is moved to the correct location (/home/tcagame/username/1). If there is an error the files and folders will be deleted.


Create a support ticket with the url and login for your control panel so I can take a look at your configuration.

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