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cmd line and cod4


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I've a strange problem with cod4. I'm using this default cmd line.

iw3mp.exe +set fs_savepath $[service.UserDirectory] +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip $[service.IpAddress] +set net_port $[service.GamePort] +set sv_maxclients $[service.Slots] +set sv_punkbuster "1" +exec server.cfg +map_rotate

I create cod4 server with tcadmin2 but server doesn't start properly. In task manager iw3mp.exe is stucked with 1.700 K memory even if i switch different command lines (nothing in log files). When i run the server with a bat file manually it works and from this moment it works on tcadmin2 too. It's like if iw3mp.exe needs a bat file to start the first time :confused:

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This was fixed by adding this batch script on the before start event:


attrib -h __iw3mp
DEL __iw3mp


Next time you can troubleshoot in Windows using the TCAdmin Service Browser. Select the service and click on the Show Interactive Service button. You can see the game console and check for errors. In this case it had a prompt asking if you want to start in safe mode. This message is removed by deleting __iw3mp.

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