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Server Monitor and COD2?


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Hi, I was trying to setup the server monitor for my Call of Duty 2 servers but when I changed the values for slots and password via the user (not admin) account in the *.cfg it doesn't shut down the server or send me the email. So I read through the docs and it said that the game compatibility setting has to be correct in the plugin, but the only thing I see is COD and not COD2. So I was wondering how can I make the monitor work?

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Admin Email Subject: %serverip% has been modified!




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I winder if it has something to do with how the info on the game server is mofied.




Do you have the 'Is Branded' check box ticked for that game server, and I also wonder if it matters whether the slots are set via the commandline or in the server cfg file.




Perhaps someone else might have a better idea...ECF?!

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