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Servers Per PC


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That can vary wildly depending on many factors. Such as, CPU(s), memory, game, gametype, mods, # of slots, particular map, any bots, # of servers, the # of other services running on the box, and what amount of disruption you and your customers are willing to put up with when a server changes a map or restarts.




Best advice is to test and see what works best for you in your particular situation.

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Maybe I asked my question in the wrong way (again). I am curious what the specs of everyones game serving PC's are? I know there are a million variables, but I just want to know what some people have and consider a good stable machine.

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Our minimum spec game server machines are dual 3.6 xeons with 4gb RAM.




As ECF said, the number of servers you can run on it entirely depends on the game and number of slots per game.




I'm also not sure that many people would be willing to give up that information.




For a server which you are using for shared game servers I would suggest dual CPU is minimum and you really want at least 2gb ram (thats just my preference).




Your probably better off just creating a some test game servers and leaving them for like 2 weeks and then measure the resources they're using through the tcadmin reports, although you'll only get a true reflection if the servers are used fairly heavily.

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