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F.E.A.R Config


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Standard FEAR config using the new commandline options to point to the users directory.




Please make sure that you take the directory structure that was housed in the Documents and settigs folder and paste it into the default game directory.




If you do not copy the directories into the main users folder, this config will not work for you.






Game Server Compatibility is set to Gamespy3 for the query to work


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  • 3 months later...

On all machines this config works great.




But on the 2 machines which are reserved for the FEAR servers I have this problem:




The FEAR server is always looking for the serveroptions.txt in: C:/client




This folder doesn't even exist.




Also I tried to start up these servers on these machines manually with shortcut etc etc. But again: it is looking for the serveroptions.txt in C:/client.




If someone can help me, please do! :lol:

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The two variables wihtin the commandline that control where the game engine looks for this file are...




-userdirectory %userfilespath%




-optionsfile %userfilespath%\ServerOptions\Serveroptions.txt




If your %userfilespath% is set to C:\Client, that is where it is going to look for the file.




Do a preview of the commandline in "service settings" and see what you get.






I just put up a server and this is what the commandline should look like when previewed in TCAdmin.




<div class="pre"><pre>D:\UserFiles\ADMIN\GameServers\TC48565787348705802262622\fearserver.exe FEARServer.exe -userdirectory D:\UserFiles\ADMIN\GameServers\TC48565787348705802262622\ -optionsfile D:\UserFiles\ADMIN\GameServers\TC48565787348705802262622\\ServerOptions\Serveroptions.txt</pre></div>

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Everything is correct, just like you said.




This is what I have:




C:\CLIENT FILES\ADMIN\GameServers\TC57212351786564804074885\FEARServer .exe FEARServer.exe -userdirectory C:\CLIENT FILES\ADMIN\GameServers\TC57212351786564804074885\ -optionsfile C:\CLIENT FILES\ADMIN\GameServers\TC57212351786564804074885\\ServerOpt ions\Serveroptions.txt




But if you look at the console of the FEAR server it is still looking for the server config file in C:\client :shock:




The FEAR serverfiles I took from a remote where it all is working as it should be.







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You have a space in between client and files in the commandline.








make it








Take the space out like above and it should work.

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Ok this worked!




This is what I had to do:




Changing the foldername `client files´ into ´clientfiles´ on this Remote


Changing this also is the serversettings of this Remote in the Panel




It seems that the FEAR commandline cannot take spaces. On all Remotes the serverfiles of customers are stored in the folder ´client files´ and I never had problems with this space before.







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thank you who ever posted this you just saved my ass lol noone ever ordered a fear server from us (tbh dnt know anything about game didnt think we offered it) until one of our oldest clients decided to spend alot on fear servers lol phew all works simple :smile:

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