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config file static value


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Hey there. Im trying to setup tcadmn_advanced to put a static value for slots and rcon. This is for MineCraft


Im trying to setup my order process so that the client only selects the datacenter and does not need to put in slots or rcon password.


ive tried creating a custom config file and putting in "25" and "na" in the values.


See here


$billing_api_values["game_slots"] = $params["25"];

$billing_api_values["game_rcon_password"] = $params["na"];


With it set like these these values are not getting getting the tcadmin panel create function.


What am i missing here?


Any help would be appreciated.

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Start with a DefaultValues.php, Create a configurable option name slots , and put 25 in the Options box below. Then add the pice next to it, then save it and close it. On the configurable options page for the one you just created click hidden, then save. Then on the product page in the Game Slots drop down click ConfigOption:Slots and then on the RCON dropdown leave it blank Cause with the Minecraft Config file it has nowhere to put an rcon. When it is sent through WHMCS it wont error about the RCON like it does when you create a server in TCAdmin.


Sorry if its a bit confussing or hard to understand. Im not great at explaining. I have only started using TCADMIN ADVANCED the past day or so. But messing around with it and it does great things. Let me know how you get on.

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