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Ventrilo setup help?


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How do I setup TCadmin with the ventrilo pro version? I already have the pro version installed on 2 of my non-remote servers but would like to integrate vent with tcadmin on my 3 tcadmin enabled servers. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Here is a Vent config. Make sure to note the path to the Vent reg key and the keyname that is entered in the config. You will most likely need to change them to fit your setup.




Also, make sure you are updated to the latest version 10. There was an issues with 9 where the Ventrilo service wasn't showing in the service details. So if you tried to edit a Vent service it produced an error in the panel.





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getting unknown error when I start a nix vent.




in the log on the nix server it says...




20060507 23:28:33 ERROR: Failed to open registration key file.




in TCAdmin set up I have this for the command line








on the nix server it is owned by tcadmin




any sugestions?

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ok now that it works and I can connect to it........




When I click on Server Status in TCAdmin I get "No Results were returned"




Is there a port I need to open on the filewall besides the server port and 6000?





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That I am not 100% positive on since we don't run Vent. You can test by shutting the firewall off for a minute though.




I would say, take a look at your license key call closer though.





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