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Moove /home/tcagame to a new path


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Hello :)


I tried to moove the tcagame path to another path into my dedicated but I stuck :(


But each time the installation try to be completed into the "/home/tcagame/$[service.UserName]/$[service.ServiceId]/" folder


I already set correctly the "Game & Voice Settings" into my Dedicated's informations =>


Game Files Path: /home/SerVerS/BASE/

User Files Path: /home/SerVerS/clients/

Folder Template: $[service.UserName]/$[service.ServiceId]/


Someone can help me to correct ?

Edited by WolwX
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Do this:

- Create the user named SerVerS in Linux


- Go to all the games that you run. In the run as tab select run as Specific user. Set the user to SerVerS with no password. If you don't see the run as tab select the Templates tab and set Run As to blank.


- Go to Server Management > Servers > Select your server > Game and Voice tab. Set the folder template to clients/$[service.UserName]/$[service.ServiceId]/ and save.


- Restart your server's monitor:

cd /home/tcadmin/Monitor

./monitor-service restart


- Create a game server and it will be created in /home/SerVerS/clients/(user name)/(service id)

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Do this:

- Create the user named SerVerS in Linux


- Go to all the games that you run. In the run as tab select run as Specific user. Set the user to SerVerS with no password. If you don't see the run as tab select the Templates tab and set Run As to blank.


- Go to Server Management > Servers > Select your server > Game and Voice tab. Set the folder template to clients/$[service.UserName]/$[service.ServiceId]/ and save.


- Restart your server's monitor:

cd /home/tcadmin/Monitor

./monitor-service restart


- Create a game server and it will be created in /home/SerVerS/clients/(user name)/(service id)


That's perfect :)


Thanks for that tips :)

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