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Windows 2008 R2 & Call of Duty 4


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I'm running TCAdmin Version 2.


Server Specs:


Windows server 2008 R2 Standard Edition


Core i7 920 @ 3.2




Tried transferring the games server files from another machine then applying them to our new one under version 2 of TCAdmin. Problem is when i add the service and try to launch, I get an error saying the following:


:confused: "DirectX Has Encountered An Unrecoverable Error" :confused:


The fixes we've already tried applying:


added d3dx10.dll to windows system32 directory (c:\windows\system32)

added binkw.dll to the actual installation directory of the game itself


If any of you know how to either rollback dx11 to 9.0c or have a fix for this, let me kindly thank you now as we've been searching for a fix all night and have no idea how to move forward. :shock:

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Tried it with the same result, It downloads the update tool then said this :


"DirectX Has Encountered An Unrecoverable Error"


Any other help would be highly appreciated or even insights on how to roll back dx11 to dx9.0c if at all possible.


I can't believe this one error is hindering our server creation process, we've nearly tired everything at this point but installing the full game on our machine and copying the files from there.



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I tired updating and installing all the missing direct x files through both links provided above. One of the links worked and began an installation process (servercommand.org) and the link ECF provided redirected me to the XBOX live website :mrgreen:


I've tried everything i could think of to get this server installation working and below the screenshot you'll find an attachment with our dxdiag info which may provide some much needed insight.


If any of you know or think you can help me with this, theres peanuts in it for you upon a successful server launch and of course, extreme gratitude :)


Here's the message i get when trying to apply the installer:



Current Command Line


+set fs_savepath C:\TCAFiles\Users\ringo\2\ +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip +set net_port 28960 +set sv_maxclients 12 +set sv_punkbuster "1" +exec server.cfg +map_rotate


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Maybe there's a problem with the server files or something, I'm stumped and could use some help.


There defintely something else going on - we run COD4 without any issues at all on 08 R2 Std.


Reload the box and set it back up - this time dont do any of your own setup, use the web update tool for Direct X.

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OMG! After re installing our whole dedicated machine, running the dxwebupdate tool and re transferring the server files we still get the same error. I am completely stumped and i invite any of you with any suggestions to please let me know what to do here or how to get these CoD4 servers operational!!!!!

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OMG! After re installing our whole dedicated machine, running the dxwebupdate tool and re transferring the server files we still get the same error. I am completely stumped and i invite any of you with any suggestions to please let me know what to do here or how to get these CoD4 servers operational!!!!!


ok...are you sure your COD4 install is ok?


I can tell you for a fact we don't do anything beyond the web update for directx and have no issues at all with it.

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Yes we transferred the CoD 4 Server files directly from an operational box running TCA v1 and CoD 4 Flawlessly. I did the reinstall ran the update tool, downloaded 98.2 MB of dx updates tired to launch and still it brought back the same error.


"DirectX encountered an unrecoverable error"


Should we try and run the full game install then copy the files over from there? I really don't know what to do anymore and this is baffling me!

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Yes we transferred the CoD 4 Server files directly from an operational box running TCA v1 and CoD 4 Flawlessly. I did the reinstall ran the update tool, downloaded 98.2 MB of dx updates tired to launch and still it brought back the same error.


"DirectX encountered an unrecoverable error"


Should we try and run the full game install then copy the files over from there? I really don't know what to do anymore and this is baffling me!


Is it only happening when you launch it with TCAdmin or via batch too?

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The last thing I'll try is a full ISO transfer of the actual game install files, install the game itself on the box, then transfer them from the install.


If this doesn't work I'm stumped and must have something to do with the actual dedicated machine.

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