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Some suggestions for Mods and Updates page


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Hello people :)


I have some suggestions for the mods page :


  • I think it miss a "comments" column. Like into to the update page.

  • A way to class by categories mods can be really interesting, like that we can choose the categorie and our customers will be able to find what they want including if we have a large number of mods.


and for Updates page :


  • Scripts and Configuration miss


For both :

  • Perhaps a list of files to removes when uninstalling ?

  • A list of gameserver using the mod/update blocking the possibility to delete the update/mod

  • The possibility to set an url for file location, to be able to use automatic update/mod

  • That's would be great to "copy" another mod or update when creating a new one.
    Including when creating a new mod or update into another gameserver model.
    Perhaps a way to export addons/update model will simplify that ?


And in conclusion if the page of updates and mods can be two different but with the same features, that's will be great :)

Edited by WolwX
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About uninstallation, at moment I do it by script.


Ok about external updates, I understand, but I just want to say, we are administrator of our system, and we are the keeper of the good security, so if some of us consider there is risk with external updates, just don't use it no ?

Perhaps something into the overpass file created when installing tcadmin, to allow or not this feature, like there is a setting to allow or not the use of executable files ?


Another request, that's would be great to "copy" another mod or update when creating a new one.

Including when creating a new mod or update into another gameserver model.

Perhaps a way to export addons/update model will simplify that ?

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  • 2 months later...
I would really love a way to categorise mods.

When you have hundreds of mods it gets quite hectic for the user to try and find what they want.


I agree with you

Something like "tabs" or little "flotting" hr title hiding all after it, can be a way to do that.

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  • 5 months later...
I agree with you

Something like "tabs" or little "flotting" hr title hiding all after it, can be a way to do that.


Any news for category into mods page ?


And about copying mod when creating a new one ?



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