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Call of Duty


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I am having trouble with 2 Stock COD servers. I create the server and TCadmin shows them as running. But when I check the server status and administration I get "No Results Were Returned" error message. No one is able to connect to the server.




Any ideas?

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Check the "Interact with Desktop" checkbox and restart them. They will show up on the console (VNC/RDP/whatever to the console), so you can diag it that way. It is the only way to diag servers. More than likely, the servers aren't starting a map up...

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Well....the command line was pointing toward execing








I had my config file named server.cfg


I changed the name of the file and restarted. Easy enough.




Another problem I am having with the same server....




I cant get punkbuster to update.




I type in






aint working.



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Just set the PB update info in TCAdmin and use that method?




We have a built in method of updating PB games.




Goto System Settings>Supported Games and click on COD. Then fill in the section Marked PunkBuster Settings.

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