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Error message on server creation using tcadmin_advanced module


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Recently a customer wanted a new game type supported so we set out to add it. I can manually create the server in TCAdmin and WHMCS has worked without issue for several years. When I tried to place an order in WHMCS the server was not created and upon manually trying to create the server I receive an error. I have checked all of the settings in both TCAdmin and WHMCS and cannot find the issue. The only mention I have seen of this was a game slots value error but I don't know how they resolved it and don't think it is related. The error message is below, any help would be much appreciated.


Module Command Error

System.Exception: You did not send a game or voice server id or the data was not valid. at Web.billingapi.xde97676d01739ced(Object xe0292b9ed559da7d, EventArgs xfbf34718e704c6bc)

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In case anyone else stumbles upon this it was a simple fix. I actually ran into this issue before but had forgotten, after researching my old tickets I found the problem. Configurable options can only contain the characters 0-9 and A-Z, mine contained a colon (COD:UO). When I replaced the colon with a space (COD UO) the problem was fixed. Consider this resolved and it may be closed or deleted as needed.

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