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Garry's Mod, Dedicated Server Help

WarServers Rich

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I am having problems running a garrys mod server, i can run any other steam base games fine but the garrys mod server just don't respond.


I have a GM folder in \GameInstalls\GM HldsUpdateTool is up to date and i am running the command from a saved .bat flie.


hldsupdatetool -command update -game "garrysmod" -dir f:\GameInstalls\GM

It downloads all the files fine, HLDS installation up to date


I got the Garry mod configs from here and import it.


Relative Executable: /orangebox/srcds.exe

Relative Working Directory: /orangebox/

Relative User Files Directory: /orangebox/

Game Files Folder Name: GM

Game Compatibility: HalfLife2


Default Command Line: -console -game garrysmod +ip %serverip% -port %serverport% +maxplayers %slots% +exec server.cfg +map gm_construct


But when i install a garrys mod server it says its running in tcadmin but the server don't respond, i checked the game server files and they are installed in the right places and i ran steam updates in tcadmin and its up to date but still dont respond.

Pls help, any ideas.



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map name not game name


Looking at it again that may not fix the issue but this is what I have for a working V2 cmd line (also shows quotes around cfg) dunno, it works, lol


Default -console -game garrysmod -nohltv -condebug +maxplayers $[service.Slots] +ip $[service.IpAddress] -port $[service.GamePort] +exec "server.cfg" +map "gm_flatgrass" ![FpsMax]


Advanced -console -game garrysmod -nohltv -condebug +maxplayers $[service.Slots] +ip $[service.IpAddress] -port $[service.GamePort] ![ConfigFile] ![insecure] ![startupMap] ![FpsMax]

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Putting the map name in quotes will make no difference, only need quotes when a variable is two words.


Either you game config or game install files are incorrect.


Use a batch file, fire up the server and see what error it is throwing...if it doesn't start at all you have install file issues.

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Turns out that i was only installing private server to get thing setup and the private command line is not right in, Garry mod 10 configs from here


It needs to be change to the same as the Default Command Line:

-console -game garrysmod +ip %serverip% -port %serverport% +maxplayers %slots% +exec server.cfg +map gm_construct


Thanks for helping out


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