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Automatic FastDL (see http://help.tcadmin.com/Fast_Downloads )


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Cant believe people didnt already work this out, or if they did, not bother telling everyone else about it. With some help from Luis i have managed to make a automatic FastDL script, now since i run TCAdmin on port 80 i had to setup a web server to run on port 90 for this to work. (Im not writing a guide on how to do that, look it up).


Now this is for a Garrysmod server running on Windows. There will be slight changes between OS's and games but it cant be hard to work out.


1) Go to Game Settings -> Garrysmod -> Custom Scripts (Scroll down)


2) Click New


3) Set script engine to "Batch File/Shell Script" and event to "Before Started"


4) Enter this into the big text box "ROBOCOPY %Service_RootDirectory%orangebox\garrysmod C:\YOURWEBSERVERURL\%Service_ServiceId%\garrysmod /S /XF *.lua *.bat *.dll *.html gamemodes settings" (No quotation marks)


5) Save then go back to the Garrysmod game settings and go to the Configuration Files button


6) Click server.cfg then the template tab. Then add this line anywhere in the file


sv_downloadurl "http://$[service.IpAddress]:90/$[service.ServiceId]/garrysmod/"


(Edit that url if you have the fastdl directory not in the root)


7) Save all that and go back to the Garrysmod game settings again and then click "Update Existing Services"


And thats it! Everytime the user reboots the fastdl gets updated (for cache updates 2 restarts may be required, cant see a way round that). For your existing servers you will need to add the relevant downloadurl line into their server.cfg's, but all new servers will have fastdl setup and ready to go automatically.


Hope this helps.


p.s The first time the server is started/restarted since you applied the script will take awhile, but once its copied all the files the first time it only copies what is new (unconfirmed) and what is missing. Which saves alot of time.

Edited by jargen
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Im pretty sure its mostly the same, you have to change the variables around abit to work with linux.


Since i havent worked with cs 1.6 i dont know where the folder for it is. So i will assume its called cstrike and is in the orangebox folder, simple to fix if it isnt. ALL THIS IS UNTESTED


Right, The code on Step 4 becomes: "cp ${Service_RootDirectory}orangebox\cstrike C:\YOURWEBSERVERURL\${Service_ServiceId}\cstrike -u -R" (No Quotes)


and Step 6 becomes:


sv_downloadurl "http://$[service.IpAddress]:90/$[service.ServiceId]/cstrike/"


Also a note for everyone, :90 is only on the downloadurl because that is how i have my web server setup to run along side tcadmin. You will need to edit that to become compatible with your setup (Remove :90 if you havent changed the port)

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i have created a CSS fastdl update before started script

i have set it to "Batch File/Shell Script" and event to "Before Started"

and script line is "%Service_RootDirectory%tools\SourceRSC.exe /ini:example.ini" (No quotation marks) but can't get it to run


any idea what might be wrong, works fine if I manually execute the commands on the server itself

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  • 2 months later...

?who has run hopefully to work with cs 1.6? because I could not make it work,

master server does not work, nor with remote servers I am doing wrong?


before installing the tcadmin v2, used the IIS manager, to make the fast DL, from the same game server


ROBOCOPY %Service_RootDirectory%cstrike C:\xx.xx.xx.133\%Service_ServiceId%\cstrike /S /XF *.lua *.bat *.dll *.html gamemodes settings





Server error

404: File or directory not found.

You may have removed the resource you are looking for, who has been renamed or is temporarily unavailabl

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