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Error When Trying to Set up Game from 2000


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So I tried to make a server for the 2000s game Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force, I set up a config with the set up usually used for the game and added a config which normally runs the game(seen below)


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252" standalone="yes"?>



<NAME>Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force</NAME>














<DEFAULTCUSTOMCMDLINE>+set dedicated 2 +set net_port 27970 +com_hunkMegs 256 +exec server.cfg +set net_ip %serverip%</DEFAULTCUSTOMCMDLINE>

























































<CONTENTS>//set Gametype to 4 for Capture the Flag Mode

g_gametype 4


//Capture The Flag settings below

//set fraglimit. Fraglimit of 0 is default for CTF. Set to 0 for no limit.

fraglimit 0

//set timelimit. Timelimit of 30 is default for CTF. Set to 0 for no limit.

timelimit 30

//set flag capture limit before level changes. Set to 0 for no limit (Default: 8)

capturelimit 10

//turn on friendly fire. Friendlyfire off is default for CTF. 1=on

g_friendlyFire 0

//set Maximum number of clients

sv_maxclients %slots%


//set host name that shows up in server list. Change below to your server name preference

sv_hostname "%hostname%"


//set message of the day that players see while connecting to the server. Must be set before level loads. Change below to your message of the day preference.

g_motd "Welcome to the CGINT Elite Force CTF server"


//set the number of private clients

sv_privateClients 0

//set Password for private clients

sv_privatePassword ""


//set remote console password used by client

rconpassword "%rconpassword%"


//set max allowable rate for a client. 8000 to 10000 recommended. Max: 25000 (Default: 0)

sv_maxRate 10000


//Pure Server: turn on/off pak cheat check. 1=on, 0=off (Default: 1)

sv_pure 1


//add up to 4 additional master servers to report to

sv_master2 ""

sv_master3 ""

sv_master4 ""

sv_master5 ""


//Set map selection, cycle order, and start first map

set d1 "map ctf_spyglass ; set nextmap vstr d2"

set d2 "map ctf_thebunker ; set nextmap vstr d3"

set d3 "map noreturn ; set nextmap vstr d4"

set d4 "map ctf_space ; set nextmap vstr d5"

set d5 "map ctf_canyon ; set nextmap vstr d1"


// This command starts the first map.

vstr d1


//set weapon respawn times for free for all in seconds. May need to decrease for large number of clients. (Default: 5)

g_weaponrespawn 1


// Make weapons respawn faster with a lot of players. 1=on, 0=off (Default: 1)

g_adaptrespawn 1


//set voting. 1=on, 0=off (Default: 1)

g_allowvote 1


//set power multiples for quad damage (Default: 3)

g_quadfactor 3


//set if you want a map_restart. 1=on, 0=off (Default: 1)

g_doWarmup 0


//set time in seconds until map_restart.

//g_warmup 20


//set holodeck doors. 1=on, 0=off (Default: 1)

g_holoIntro 0


//set time in seconds intermission can last

//g_intermissionTime 20


//set time you get to beam into holodeck before you can be hit

g_ghostRespawn 5


//force model groups, game will change the player's model to one from the defined group. (default : none)

//valid teams are: borg, starfleet, hazardteam, klingons, romulans


//red team

//g_team_group_red starfleet


//blue team

//g_team_group_blue borg</CONTENTS>












The folder mentioned contains all the game files that are confirmed to work on the system itself however when I try to create a game from the panel I get the following error.


GSAutomation.Processes.CreateGameServer: Error Compiling Expression: Error Compiling Expression: Invalid expression term '%'

) expected

Invalid expression term ')'


Any chance someone has experience with this or did I do something wrong? Any help would be appreciated.

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