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I believe also if you turn steam guard off on your account, you can use it from multiple locations without being knocked offline.


This isn't the best route to go, but it is available for the time being to help.....Just sayin :p



Ido just gave me some keys for my update accounts. I'm happy now. One for each location "master" since TCAdmin will distribute the files anyways.

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  • 2 months later...

Is there anyone out there that can help me to intergrate the steam cmd to my tcadmin please i have tcadmin v1 and im looking to get the steam cmd intergrated so i can update my servers

i have followed the detilas for installing but when it updates the server it just sits there doing nothing.

i have followed the following instructions

1 - Go to the game's settings. In the "Steam Game Type/App Id" field set the game's steam app id. Enable for admins and/or users.


2 - Go to the System Settings > Steam Update Settings. Enter the steam account and password used to log in to steam. If left blank the Steam Update will ask the user to enter his steam user and password.


3 - Create the folder TCAdmin Control Panel\Monitor\SteamCmd. Download steamcmd.zip and extract to that folder. Run steamcmd.exe once so it updates itself.


Steam Update with steamcmd.exe is limited to 1 process at the same time. If steamcmd.exe is already running the user will see a message to try again in 5 minutes.




but im stuck on number 1 where the hell do i get the steam app id?

Edited by kane021
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Is there anyone out there that can help me to intergrate the steam cmd to my tcadmin please i have tcadmin v1 and im looking to get the steam cmd intergrated so i can update my servers

i have followed the detilas for installing but when it updates the server it just sits there doing nothing.

i have followed the following instructions

1 - Go to the game's settings. In the "Steam Game Type/App Id" field set the game's steam app id. Enable for admins and/or users.


2 - Go to the System Settings > Steam Update Settings. Enter the steam account and password used to log in to steam. If left blank the Steam Update will ask the user to enter his steam user and password.


3 - Create the folder TCAdmin Control Panel\Monitor\SteamCmd. Download steamcmd.zip and extract to that folder. Run steamcmd.exe once so it updates itself.


Steam Update with steamcmd.exe is limited to 1 process at the same time. If steamcmd.exe is already running the user will see a message to try again in 5 minutes.




but im stuck on number 1 where the hell do i get the steam app id?



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