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Cant create a game server in remote windows server


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Hi guys,


A few days ago, we purchased another tcadmin licence for aditional remote server. Actually we have 3 servers, one dedicated for the game panel (master) and two remote servers, one with linux centos and the newest server with windows server 2003 (Service Pack 2).


Data Center 1:

Master Server (linux)


Data Center 2:

Remote Server 1 (linux)

Remote Server 2 (windows)


The problem is with the server under windows, the game panel can't create the game server, in the Scheduled Task figure the error "No windows servers were found in 'data center 1' with files for Left4Dead".


The server has been added correctly, and previously his configuration, we've upload the "Config File" to the windows remote server. The game files are in "C:/TCAdminFiles/Games/l4d", all is ok, but the error persist again and again.


Can anybody help me? Thanks in advance.



Note: A support ticket with ID #930903 has been sent to the support team, without lucky to solve this problem.

Note 2: The other remote server with linux, the game files has intalled ok, the problem is only with the second remote server with windows.

Note 3: Windows firewall disabled, same error.

Edited by farenheitcx
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Ejecuta este comando en el remote desde start > run (cambia la ruta segun sea necesario):

"C:\Program Files\TCAdmin2\Monitor\TCAdminUpdateTool.exe" 2.0.123


Despues abre el archivo TCAdmin2\Monitor\TCAdminMonitor.exe.config en notepad. Abajo de <appSettings> agrega esta linea:

<add key="TCAdmin.WebServices.KeepAlive" value="False" />


Despues reinicia el monitor en modo consola. Ya no debe salir el error.



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  • 2 years later...

I am having this problem and have tried the above solutions. It seems to not accept my data center..... Please see error here http://screencast.com/t/YRZZkOrwWcmG

I have only one data center 1 and i've set my windows server to it but it still will not create when I use WHMCS but the game does create fine when I run it from TCADMIN. How can I troubleshoot this? or how can I see what the output from WHMCS is really sending to TCADMIN?

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