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Live Stats MySQL Query


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I would like to display the total number of players online accross the total number of game servers running.



So far I can display the total number of players online but I can't seem to get back the total number of servers running.


E.g. I want to have on my site "## players are online across ## servers. "


Is anyone able to help?


EDIT: I've done it now works a treat :p

Edited by votick
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Hi ,

TCAdmin provides some help create a file index.html or what ever name you want it to be

and play around with this code.


<b>Get a List of Configured Games and Voice Servers<br>
</b><font size="2">Required info:<br>
- Standard information</font><form action="" method=post>
<table border="1" id="table1" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolordark="#000000" bordercolorlight="#C0C0C0">
		<td colspan="2" align="center"><b>Standard Information</b></td>
		<td> </td>
		<td><font size="2">This information is always required</font></td>
		<td> <input value="admin" name="tcadmin_username"></td>
		<td> </td>
		<td><font size="2">The admin account for the control panel</font></td>
		<td> <input value="password" name="tcadmin_password"></td>
		<td> </td>
		<td><font size="2">The admin password</font></td>
		<td> <select size="1" name="function">
		<option value="GetSupportedGames" selected>Get Supported Game Servers
		<option value="GetSupportedVoiceServers">Get Supported Voice Servers
		<td> </td>
		<td><font size="2">The command that TCAdmin will execute</font></td>
		<td>Response Type:</td>
		<td><select size="1" name="response_type">
		<option value="xml" selected>XML</option>
		<option value="text">Text</option>
		<td> </td>
		<td><font size="2">The type of response that will be sent by TCAdmin.</font></td>
		<td colspan="2"> </td>
		<td> </td>
		<td> </td>
		<td colspan="4" align="center">
<input type="submit" value="Submit"></td>

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  • 1 month later...

Here is an edited version from long ago to display total player online out of how many slots and how many servers are online.


Database Query File include.php:


ini_set('precision', 5);

if (!$link) {
die('Not connected : ' . mysql_error());

$db_selected = mysql_select_db('DATABASE_NAME', $link);
if (!$db_selected) {
die ('Can\'t Find DB : ' . mysql_error());

//Query Stuff

$active = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(online) FROM  tc_game_service_live_stats");
$act = mysql_result($active, 0);
$totalslots = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(slots) FROM  tc_game_services");
$tsc = mysql_result($totalslots, 0);
$totalplayers = mysql_query("select sum(players) from tc_game_service_live_stats");
$po = mysql_result($totalplayers, 0);


Don't forget to include the above file where ever your going to display the info.

<?php include 'include.php'; ?>


Display Queried Info:

<p>Players Online: <?php echo $po; ?>/<?php echo $tsc; ?></p>
	<p>Servers Online: <?php echo $act; ?></p>


There is so much more info that can be queried, per server or as a whole.



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Here is a more detailed table of most of the items that can be queried.


$con=mysqli_connect('HOST', 'DB_USER', 'DB_PASS', 'tcadmin');
// Check connection
if (mysqli_connect_errno())
 echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();

$result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * from tc_game_service_live_stats") or die(mysqli_error($con));

echo "<table border='1' style='background-color:gray';>
<th>Colored Name</th>
<th>Memory Used</th>
<th>CPU Usage (%)</th>
<th>Service ID</th>
<th>Process ID</th>
<th>Current Map</th>
<th>Players Online</th>
<th>Game Type</th>
<th>Game (Mod)</th>
<th>Queried Last</th>
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))
 $test = $row['memory'] /1024 /1024;
 $format = number_format($test,0); 
 echo "<tr>";
 echo "<td>" . $row['html_name'] . "</td>";
 echo "<td>" . $row['name'] . "</td>";
 echo "<td>" . $format .  " MB</td>";
 echo "<td>" . $row['cpu'] . "</td>";
 echo "<td>" . $row['service_id'] . "</td>";
 echo "<td>" . $row['pid'] . "</td>";
 echo "<td>" . $row['map'] . "</td>";
 echo "<td>"; if ($row['online'] == '1') {echo "Online";} else echo "Offline"; echo "</td>";
 echo "<td>" . $row['players'] .  "/" . $row['max_players'] . "</td>";
 echo "<td>" . $row['game_type'] . "</td>";
 echo "<td>" . $row['game'] . "</td>";
 echo "<td>" . $row['query_time'] . "</td>";
 echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";


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