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Failed to Download Steam Files


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I'm trying to download the steam game files, TF2 to be specific but I keep getting the following errors.


[root@xtreamcraft games]# ./download_tf2-linux.sh

Checking bootstrapper version ...

Getting version 49 of Steam HLDS Update Tool

Downloading. . . . . . . . . . . .Could not open file steam

CAsyncIOManager: 0 threads terminating. 0 reads, 0 writes, 0 deferrals.

CAsyncIOManager: 19 single object sleeps, 0 multi object sleeps

CAsyncIOManager: 0 single object alertable sleeps, 0 multi object alertable sleeps

[root@xtreamcraft games]#


Now I get this:


[root@xtreamcraft games]# ./download_tf2-linux.sh

Checking bootstrapper version ...

Updating Installation

Command aborted

[root@xtreamcraft games]#


Any tips would be appreciated.


I'm running CentOS 6 and I have double checked the requirements.

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I can no run it but I get this when downloading:


1:48 5514 file(s) totaling 995522479 bytes will be downloaded

1:48 No installation record found at /home/tcadmin/tcafiles/games/tf2-linux/orangebox

1:48 Checking local files and building download list for depot 314 'OB Linux Dedicated Server' version 173

1:48 Connecting content server session for version 173

1:48 [] Reusing connection

1:48 [] Sending login message...

1:48 [] Disconnecting

1:48 [] Failed. Server rejected session login

1:48 [] Connecting...

1:51 [] Failed. Failed to connect to, errno 115 "Operation now in progress"

1:51 [] Connecting...

1:54 [] Failed. Failed to connect to, errno 115 "Operation now in progress"

1:54 [] Connecting...

1:57 [] Failed. Failed to connect to, errno 115 "Operation now in progress"

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