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CS:GO after the most recent update


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Don't really post much on here, but I thought I'd let everyone know about the most recent update of CS:GO which may have caused segmentation faults on people trying to run CS:GO servers on some of their users on linux systems.


This is bug, which I believe Valve know about, the bug happens when there is an uppercase letter somewhere within the pathname. So, basically all of your users have to be lowercase.


Fortunately (I guess) I only have a couple of users with cs:go that have uppercase letters in their username, so I just changed their usernames manually.


Hope this helps anyone having issues with CS:GO.


You have to be on your toes when games are in beta.



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  • 2 weeks later...

If the game monitor is restarting the game server and you have the admin email and mail settings configured tcadmin will send you an email with the reason. If you don't get the email the game server is crashing and the service manager starts it again automatically. Check the game server logs or run it manually from remote desktop or ssh to see what's wrong: http://help.tcadmin.com/Troubleshooting_Game_%26_Voice_Services

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Only errors I'm getting mailed is things like


The branding on server xxx.xx.xx.xxx:27015 has been removed. The detected hostname was "CSGO Server". Please investigate.


Where do I find the game server logs?


This is the command line it's running.


srcds -game csgo -console -usercon +game_type 0 +game_mode 0 +maxplayers 32 +exec server.cfg +mapgroup mg_bomb +map de_dust -ip xxx.xx.xx.xxx -port 27015

Edited by Banana Pup
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If I run ./srcds_linux srcds -game csgo -console -usercon +game_type 0 +game_mode 0 -maxplayers_override 32 +exec server.cfg +mapgroup mg_bomb +map de_dust -ip 184.171.xxx.xxx -port 27015 in SSH the game doesn't crash. Open 90 minutes now with no crashes. As soon as I use that in command over ride, within 15 minutes it crashes in TCA, no errors mailed other then the warning about branding changed.

Edited by Banana Pup
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Ok finally crashed in SSH..


L 08/30/2012 - 17:26:56: "Pat<5><BOT><TERRORIST>" triggered "Dropped_The_Bomb"

L 08/30/2012 - 17:26:56: "Colin<6><BOT><CT>" killed "Pat<5><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "deagle" (headshot)

L 08/30/2012 - 17:27:14: "Norm<9><BOT><TERRORIST>" killed "mike<2><STEAM_1:1:xxxxxxxxx><CT>" with "mac10"


root@fla1 [/home/tcagame/mike/3]#

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