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Crashed server is not restarting


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I have a dod server which has crashed twice now, in which it becomes unresponsive, but the process spikes to 100% messing up other servers on the machine. This has happened twice this week, and the tcadmin monitor has not restarted this service. Do you know why it would not be restarting? Game-monitor.com had it listed as 22 consecutive failed when I noticed this, and I think it checked every few minutes, so I would say it was a problem for a while. Game Server monitoring IS enabled, so that isn't the problem.

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Is it possible the server is still responding to queries, even though the server seems crashed?




If the query doesn't respond the monitoring system should restart it after a short period of time.




If you need some help, put in a ticket with some login info, and we can take a look at it.




I will say you should try to figure out what is causing the crash/lockup as well.

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Here is another client I have:




"Well there was 4 people (including myself) on the server and 3 ppl (including myself) had the game freeze on them, the one guy who didn't crash out say we all had 999 ping. Afterwards I checked the control panel and those were the msgs it gave out. About 4-5 mins later we were able to reconnect to the server and the one guy who didn't crash was still there. RCON SE also wasn't working (couldn't connect and/or get any server info) when this happened. "




This is a totally different server, but the wierd part is that this sounded like it restarted the server, but I never got an e-mail about it like I usually do. Also this is a JKA server, so I wouldn't rule out LucasArt's buggy coding.

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I have a feeling it was just a JKA glitch. CPU usage was around 30%, and network was fine as well. The only reason I posted is because it seemed like another possible server crash which wasn't reported via e-mail.

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