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Moving tcadmin 2 to new dedicated Server


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i am looking for the process to move tcadmin 2 from current server to new machine .Please Explain me the process .


Also i request administrator to add this section in wiki of tcadmin .i wanted to move tcadmin and its been linked up with whmcs so tell me what to backup and all..


Thanks in advance

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- Move /home/tcagame to the new server.

- If you have a sqlite database move /home/tcadmin/Database/TCAdmin2.db

- If you have a mysql database backup your database and restore it on the new server.

- Install tcadmin and configure it to connect to the existing database.

- If the IPs change go to each of the game server's service settings and select the new IP.

- Run General Settings > Game Tools > Verify/Repair to fix permissions on your game server files.

- Start the game servers.

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I believe these are instructions to move a remote license installation from 1 machine to another, however....


In regards to moving the master from 1 to another, can this still be done as it was in TCA1? (Basically what you explained here) However, correct me if I'm wrong, but if the IP has changed to the master the remotes would need to have a new configuration file done correlating with the new ip and then run the verify/repair, correct?



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I am also in the process of moving the master to a new server box. Thanks for the instructions, we will try it and see which works.


EDIT: Didn't see this was a linux thread. Simply used the search function and this is the first one that popped up.

Edited by ReAP3R_za
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