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Integrate B3 mod with TCadmin


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Hello tcadmin users,


We have some problems installing b3 in combination with TCadmin.


We can get it to run with tcadmin but the problem is when a user buys a server with b3 mod included we want the b3 mod to automaticly recognize the servers IP/PORT and the users RCON to put in the b3 config file (b3.xml).


Also when a user buys a server we need it to automaticly create a new Database in mysql.


We do know some scripting and we know in TCadmin you can add custom scripts to be executed before the server is created, but we have no clue how to get it to work that the script automaticly put the server port/ip and the users rcon in the b3.xml so the user doesn't have to configure the b3 mod himself.


The reason we don't want users to configure the b3 mod themselfs is because there is private information in the b3.xml, like database name/password and a whole lot more we don't want the users to see.


So if there is anybody out there that has b3 working with tcadmin it would be great, keep in mind that we have WHMCS running as billingsystem, I don't know if that makes a difference, just wanted to mention it to make sure.


Kind regards,





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I have no XP with b3 bot so this is going on assumption that the b3.xml is in the users directory.


In the games general settings make a new configuration file template and put in the TCA variables there. Using V2 variables in example.


Settings>Games&other>Config Files>New


Set the path

ex: \b3\b3.xml


Template tab












Doing above should create 'users/clientname/gameroot/b3/b3.xml


If you do not the end user to see this info then go thru and add b3.xml to the list of 'no permission' files for whatever groups (sub admin,reseller,end user) you need to deny, using the file system permission for each game.


I don't know how to create the new DB right off the top of my head but I'm sure it's in these boards somewhere.


Hope this helps.

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