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Since Switching to TCAdmin 2 - No Longer Listed on Steam Server List


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I'm not sure if this is merely coincidence or an actual problem caused by TCAdmin, but I've noticed that since I've moved to TCAdmin my servers traffic has dropped significantly. I can't really figure out why. I noticed yesterday that none of my servers are listed on the steam list. Sometimes they are, sometimes they are not. Has anyone else experienced this issue?


I currently run TCAdmin 2 on a dedicated CentOS 6.4 (x86_64) box along with cPanel. I had been using cpGS previously with no problems, but wanted to move to TCAdmin because I loved the features. Now I'm not noticing this problem so if anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it. Thank you!

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Sorry, I'm still unsure if TCAdmin has any relationship to the drop off my server has, but since switching the popularity of one of my servers has been dropping significantly.


There is nothing in the server log that would indicate a problem. I also did a query into the Steam API to see if the server is listed okay and it is. However, some people tell me they can't see it, I can. Some people see it fine as well. We do have a software firewall "ConfigServer", but it is the same exact setup we had with cPGS with no issues.

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